Signs That Someone in Your Family Is Falling Prey to Substance Abuse

Person with Substance Abuse Problem
Photo by Liza Summer from Pexels

Substance abuse can affect people who have never even used a drug. That’s because you might be the family member of someone who is dealing with it. This guide will go over the signs you’ll want to look for if someone in your family has fallen prey to substance abuse.

Once you spot and confirm these signs, getting someone to help is the next thing to do. You can find out more about Gallus Detox and how they can help your family member end their substance abuse. Let’s continue with the following list of signs to look out for.

You notice changes in behavior

If you see a family member experiencing a change in behavior, this can be a cause for concern. Especially if they seem to be acting well out of character. This might be the first thing you spot and it may be a good time to check on them.

At the same time, you may want to monitor the other signs that we’ll be mentioning as the two may blend together. It may not be time to make a confirmation just yet. But until you do, keep an eye out.

Changes in physical appearance

There are several different changes in physical appearance that happen with substance abuse. These include but are not limited to a lack of motivation and energy, changes in weight (gained or lost), and reddened eyes.

They may also have a lack of interest in taking care of themselves. They may fall back on their usual hygiene habits. They may also not make much of an effort in terms of what they wear for clothes.

This is something that will start out small and make gradual changes to the point where they might just look unrecognizable.

You notice signs of intoxication

This may be the biggest tell-tale sign of substance abuse. You will be able to spot signs of apparent intoxication. These will differ from one substance to another.

Meth or cocaine

For example, if a member of your family is using a drug like meth or cocaine, you’ll want to look out for the following signs and symptoms:

  • Increased restlessness and energy
  • Alertness is much higher than normal
  • Speech is rambling and fast.
  • Large pupils
  • Irritability
  • Paranoia or anxiety
  • Poor judgment
  • Weight loss associated with nausea and vomiting
  • Mouth sores (or even skin sores)
  • Confusions
  • Changes in blood pressure, body temperature, and heart rate

This is just a sample list of what to look for. These are stimulant drugs but are more potent than legal stimulants such as caffeine or tobacco. However, meth and cocaine are the two major drugs in this category that are the most dangerous.


Benzos are sedatives with a potential of being abused. These are often prescribed by doctors to treat certain mental disorders and even alcohol addiction. Regardless, they can be abused despite being prescribed in good faith.

You may have a member of your family that was already prescribed benzos and may have abused them since then. With that said, you’ll want to keep an eye out for the following signs or symptoms:

  • Drowsiness
  • Lack of coordination
  • Memory issues
  • Dizziness
  • Risky behavior after abuse (such as driving under the influence)
  • Problems with concentration and thinking
  • Regular accidents or falls

Benzos can also be combined with other substances. Among the popular combinations include alcohol and opioids. While benzo overdoses happen, they won’t be fatal.

However, when they are mixed with other substances (specifically alcohol or opioids), it can have fatal consequences. The other drug mixed with benzos will often be the driving force given the fact it may be more potent.


The opioid epidemic has long been a public health crisis. Because of the ease of access of most of these drugs, it’s leading to a rise in more overdose deaths. Here are the signs you’ll want to look for in terms of opioid intoxication or use:

  • Needle marks (if they are injected)
  • Lack of awareness of their surroundings or people around them
  • Depression
  • Confusion
  • Runny nose (if snorted)
  • Attention and memory issues
  • Agitation and irritability
  • Lowered sense of pain
  • Feeling high all the time
  • ‘Doctor shopping’ (if prescription pills are involved)

Like benzos, prescription opioids are often prescribed in good faith by doctors. However, patients may abuse these starting with taking a higher than directed dose. It can get to a point where your doctor may notice an unusual pattern that includes having to approve refill requests faster than expected.

If you need to increase the dosage for your opioid medication, it should be approved by a doctor.

Other opioids that are often used are heroin and fentanyl. The latter will be so potent that a small amount can kill a person. Opioids themselves are short-acting and potent.

Just enough can be fatal, even if it seems like a harmless dose. The reality is that opioids can be abused because of their potency and ability to act fast. Once they build up enough of a tolerance, it can get to a point where their next dose up can be enough to cause a fatal overdose.

Even if someone survives an opioid overdose, it can leave lasting effects on a person. It can even cause brain damage even to the point where a person may be in a vegetative state or a coma that they may never wake up from.

Final thoughts

Your family is important and you’ll always look out for them. If a member of your family is dealing with substance abuse, make sure you get them the help you need as soon as possible. Watch out for the signs of the intoxication of specific drugs.

Furthermore, it’s important to look out for any changes in behavior or physical health. The sooner you act and get someone the help they need, the better. Don’t wait any longer. Substance abuse can end and you won’t have to lose a family member because of it.

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