Spotting Signs of Drug or Alcohol Abuse in Your Family as a Mom

Man sitting on bench with head in his hands
Photo by Inzmam Khan from Pexels

No mom ever likes to think that someone in their close family might have a drug or alcohol problem, but the truth is that it does happen, and the consequences can be severe. That’s why it’s important for moms (and any family member for that matter) to know what the signs of alcohol or drug abuse are so that they can start to help their loved one as soon as possible. Timing can make a big difference to the outcome. Here are some of the signs to look out for in your family.

Poor Judgement

When someone is addicted to a substance– drugs or alcohol, their judgment easily becomes impaired. Firstly, they will do anything to get more drugs or alcohol to feed their habit, and this can lead them to be in dangerous situations or to make poor decisions that they would normally not make.

Secondly, due to the drugs or alcohol itself, they might have difficulty in determining the right course of action.

If you see someone you love constantly making bad decisions or putting themselves in risky and dangerous situations, you may want to look more closely into their lives to determine what root the problem is. If the behavior continues and they are endangering themselves and those around them due to substance abuse, inpatient drug rehab could be the solution they need.

Become Isolated

Those who have a drug habit can often become isolated from their friends and family. This is so they can hide their drug use or alcohol issues, but it is a good sign in itself that there is a problem, especially if your loved one was outgoing and sociable previously. Apart from hiding the fact that they have an addiction, other reasons to become withdrawn and isolated include:

All of these mental health issues can easily stem from drug use or drinking too much alcohol and can make the situation a lot worse.

Develop Unhealthy Relationships

If your loved one is not withdrawn but is instead spending time with people who they would never have wanted to be friends with before, this could be due to drugs or drink. Addicts often spend time with people who have the same issues as them. It is easier to feed their addictions this way, of course, but it also helps them to feel less of a problem and feel more normal which can help when it comes to the mental health aspect of addiction.

The problem is that by being with these unsuitable people, it is more and more difficult for your family member to kick the habit and become healthy again.

Their Health

Drugs and alcohol will have a serious toll on someone’s general physical health as well as their mental state. They may forgo food, for example, preferring to spend their money on their habit, or just not feeling hunger due to being high or intoxicated. Therefore, they can become severely underweight.

They will also be much more likely to catch any illness that they might come into contact with as their immune systems won’t be working as they should.

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