Mental Health Tips for Entrepreneurs

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Photo by ANTONI SHKRABA from Pexels

Entrepreneurship is tough, especially when the responsibility of many falls on your shoulders. Whether it be that you are launching your business, or the state of the economy is pushing you to make some difficult decisions, keeping your mental health in a good place is very important. It often is not spoken much, how entrepreneurs face immense pressure and hardships, as the success story at the end of all the hardships is often the focus of most stories. However the truth is that, all success stories start from struggles and determination, and the recipe for success in all cases is first and foremost, to maintain your health. Without the mental power and continuity, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel is even harder.

Mental health is often improved when people actively do activities in which they enjoy. While online gaming and gambling is often one of the best ways people engage and spend some ‘me time’. Casual gaming without incentive however, can lack passion and consistency. Therefore, if you’re a gamer looking for the best source of entertainment and alone time, CSGOBook is one of the hotspot gaming outlets of the times today. All the games on the platform allow for gambling, meaning you will really be able to really relax and have a session away from all the business deals associated with being an entrepreneur. Head on over to for an example of one of the best games from this platform. Down below are other ways in which you can improve your mental health.

Daily Self Care

Self care is a perfect way of putting back time and attention into your life, without it being something that cannot be maintained. Whether you like taking baths at the end of the day, baking some cookies, practising 10 minutes of yoga or meditation, no matter how small your dedicated routine is, you will come to realise it can really help relax your mind and body and help alleviate overwhelming thoughts that may come your way during the day. Whatever your self care routine may be, just dedicating a scheduled time in your day to complete it, will make you feel grounded and more whole by the end of it.

Morning Gratitude Routine

Another way to instil peace and calm in your daily routine is by practising daily gratitude. Sitting down every morning before your hustle and bustle will ground you, but also remind you how blessed you are to be taking this journey in your life, and in many ways, remind you for all the more reason to continue pursuing your dreams without fail. Sometimes it is the small things that bring peace, but channelling that awareness will in fact make your day so much calmer, as you realise that many things do not matter, and it is the reaction and time we give to ‘problems’ that can make life difficult. In the grand scheme of things, the basic necessities of warmth, food, shelter, put you in the top category of wealth and privilege in the world. You are doing better than you think!

Super Human is a great platform that provides small snippets of gratitude journaling that can help you channel into your best self, in case you are needing a guideline of where to start off.


While journaling is very similar to gratitude routines, journaling opens the space to write down all the negativity that has been following you around all day. Once written on paper, you can see it as a metaphorical way of getting the negativity and stress out of your day, to where you can simply flip the page over, for a brand new day. Such habits of journaling encourage you to see the greater scheme of things, where you can actually focus on things you CAN control, rather than floating in limbo, amongst all the untamed thoughts.

While declining mental health can be a culmination of anxiety, depression and overall low self esteem, simple habits of reworking your trail of thought, as well as putting self love back into your everyday life, can make all the difference. Remember, you are capable of everything you can imagine. However first, taming your internal thoughts is the first step to seeing change in your external environment.

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