Maintaining Your Mental Health While Running a High-Stress Startup

Happy Businessman
Photo by Matthew Henry from Burst

Embarking on the entrepreneurial life is both exciting and understandably stress-inducing. While the prospect of generating your own source of income, making your own hours, and contributing to the wider, rapidly shifting world may be all the motivation you need to pursue your passion, it’s more important than ever that you tend to your mental health. Failure to do so could very well take a lasting toll on your overall health, personal relationships, and even your budding company.

According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness, approximately 1 in 5 adults in the U.S. (about 43.8 million people) will experience some form of mental illness in any given year, while a staggering 32% of entrepreneurs grapple with two or more mental health related issues such as depression, anxiety, and addiction. Given that these are only reported estimates, it’s safe to assume that both figures are much higher.

Whether you are new to the startup industry or a seasoned pro, it’s never too late (or too soon) to check in with your mental health. Here are some of the subtle but effective ways you can incorporate mindful mental health measures into your daily life, and similarly improve the professional aspect.

The Importance Of Downtime

Self care may seem like an overused buzz term at this point, but the cost of not taking any personal time for yourself could wreak lasting damage on all fronts. As the head of a startup, the last thing you probably think you deserve is luxury time off the clock, but nothing could be further from the truth.

You don’t need to invest in lavish getaways to get the mental R&R you deserve; even carving out an hour or so each evening to unwind and destress will not only clear your head and prepare you for the next day’s challenges, but provide your mind and body with a much-needed pause.

The Valuable Support Network

Working alone or in an isolated environment is one of the most commonly cited reasons for loneliness, loss of drive, and anxiety amongst small startup heads. Having a solid team at work is worth its weight in gold, but your personal support base is even more valuable.

Don’t underestimate the friends, partners, and loved ones who are there for you through thick and thin, success and setback; their support will not only keep you grounded and in touch with the world outside your company, but cheer you on every step of the way.

Asking For Help Is A Strength

When we think of the world’s most successful entrepreneurs, we imagine solo figures standing strong and stoic, independent of others and impervious to the vulnerabilities that strike us all. However, as any candid professional will tell you, a lot of support goes into building (and maintaining) a thriving venture.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help when you feel overwhelmed or unsure about something; trying to tackle everything on your own is a surefire route to imminent burn-out.

Woman Sleeping
Photo by Shopify Partners from Burst

Get Plenty Of Rest Every Night

The average adult needs 7-9 hours of sleep each night, and we’ll give you a minute to chuckle over this. “7 to 9 hours of sleep?” you may be thinking incredulously, “That’s a good one!” But let’s flip the question around: do you regularly feel rested and ready to face the day, or more often than not find yourself relying on copious amounts of caffeine to see you through? Have you taken a moment to consider the impact this may be having on your productivity, and the future of your business?

Your body requires sleep to reset itself and rebuild vital immunities. Poor sleeping habits can have extremely unpleasant consequences down the line, including increased depression, anxiety, and likelihood of injury, loss of alertness and memory, short temperedness, and even failed physical health. Even if you have to climb into bed with your laptop for those 30 extra minutes of work, starting your sleep regime on the earlier side will have you waking up on a decidedly better side of the bed.

Food For The Brain

It’s hardly a new age secret that the mind and body are intimately connected, that what we feed one inevitably affects the other. A poor diet is a fast track to an overall weakened system, which means a poorer performance on your part.

Make sure you’re getting a healthy assortment of essential vitamins and nutrients (and not just through supplements!), and drinking in moderation. Weekly meal prepping can additionally save you time, money, and calories during lunch breaks, and keep both your mind AND body fueled for the day.

Don’t Hesitate To Get Professional Help

According to a 2014 study published by Fortune magazine, 13% of startups fail due to loss of focus, 9% due to loss of passion, and 8% on account of founder burn-out. Tally it up and that means 30% of startup failures can be attributed to mental and emotional health, with the numbers no doubt having increased since the study’s initial publication.

There are certain instances in everyone’s life where professional help is necessary, and there is absolutely no shame in seeking it for yourself. Conditions such as depression, anxiety, and poor anger management are difficult to treat on one’s own, and a professional counselor will not only work with you to determine their sources, but provide you with the crucial tools for managing them.

If you lack the time or means for a traditional in-office therapy visit, a growing number of online therapy services provide confidential therapy sessions online that have proven to be every bit as advantageous, with the added benefits of cost, convenience, and discretion.

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