How a Protein-Rich Diet Helps the Active Business Executive

business executive steak
business executive steak

When you learn about a healthy meal, it usually includes four main items. You should have protein, carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables on your plate at each meal. Proteins are usually found in the form of meat, such as chicken, fish or beef. The importance of protein in your diet cannot be overstated. Active business executives should have an ample supply of protein every day. Consider the reasons why your body needs proteins and their positive effects throughout your business and personal lives.

Regenerating Cellular Walls 

You consume proteins because they are constructed of amino acids. These molecules are critical components of every part within your body. Every organ consists of amino acids. They’re necessary for you to stay healthy because they assist in cellular healing. Cell walls can be rebuilt with amino acids and other molecules. If a person is deficient in proteins and amino acids, the body has a harder time at recovering from an injury or illness. Some business executives, such as Jason Hanold, might want extra protein in their diet to combat fatigue as work responsibilities increase in volume.

Some parts of the body can generate amino acids, but other essential types must be taken in through healthy diets. Ideally, everyone should have some protein on their plate at each meal.

Healing Proteins 

The main reason why active business executives require dietary proteins is building muscle. Your muscles cannot grow or repair themselves without proteins. Muscle fibers use amino acids to build their strands as they’re broken down with exercise. This rebuilding process is incredibly important in active people who participate in resistance training. Lifting weights builds muscle, but it also damages them too. Many executives take their lunch breaks and turn them into exercise periods, including an hour at the gym, for example. The rebuilding process is how you create a defined bicep and overall body tone. Without proteins constantly supplying you with amino acids, your muscles would continue to wear down under resistance-training stress. In the end, you’d have more injuries with deficient proteins compared to a healthy, protein-eating executive.

Supports Bone Structure 

Your protein-rich diet also contributes to a strong bone structure. All of your bones have tendon connections to the muscles. When you want to lift your arm, your nervous system signals your muscles to contract. The bones couldn’t move without strong muscles connected to them. Proteins and their associated amino acids create new muscle and maintain it. Some of those proteins even support the tendons that keep the bone-to-muscle connection solid. You always want to have a strong bone structure because it contributes to muscle health too. When you sit up straight at company meetings, your back muscles and spine remain aligned and comfortable for many years of pain-free movement.

Aging and Protein Synthesis 

Some of the top executives in any business are middle-aged or reaching their senior years. As you age, however, your body doesn’t build muscle as readily as it did before. In fact, you might lose a little bit of muscle every day as you venture out to meetings and lunch conferences. Your body tends to lose muscle and resist its generation as the years go by. Adding extra protein to your daily diet gives you a chance to build more muscle and remain fit. You may want to add a little movement into those lunch conferences if possible. After eating a protein-rich meal, walk with your colleagues to the office as you solve business issues simultaneously.

Finding Healthy Protein Sources

Eating a protein-rich diet doesn’t mean you should order the prime rib at each dinner meeting. Look for lean meats to complement a diet rich in fruits and vegetables. White-meat chicken and fish are perfect protein selections for the busy executive. If you want to remain meat-free, look for soy-based foods. Tofu and beans are plant-based foods that can be cooked into almost any meal. Grab protein on the go by selecting Greek yogurt or hard-boiled eggs as simple snacks. The key to a healthy diet and a busy lifestyle is simply planning. Be aware of your work schedule and plan your meals around it. You’ll have more energy as a result.

Eating for Health 

For any lifestyle diet to last, it needs to be based on your overall health instead of how you might look in the mirror. Eat a protein-rich diet and perform regular exercise, so that you can gain and maintain strong muscle. A side effect is weight loss as you hurry to those executive meetings. However, don’t overwhelm yourself with too much protein. Ideally, consume about 10 to 35 percent of your daily calories in proteins. If you go above these values, your body will simply expel the excess nutrients.

If you find that you don’t have the time or interest in eating standard proteins, you can always turn to supplements. Capsules and protein drinks can be added to your diet instead of heavy meats. In the end, you simply need the protein’s amino acids to keep you active and healthy through every daily business activity.

Copyright: alanpoulson / 123RF Stock Photo

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