Food Prep: 4 Myths You Need to Avoid at All Costs

Meal prep

As we all know, diet trends come and go. For as long as the world spins around, weight loss is going to be a hot topic — but the way in which we achieve this does seem to change.

One of the more recent concepts comes in the form of food prep. Aside from the obvious convenience benefits here, there are a whole host of others that can ultimately do wonders for your health.

At the same time, the popularity of this topic means that there is some misinformation doing the rounds. This is why today’s article has been put together, as we take a look at some of the major food prep misconceptions.

“It’s impossible to prep for more than three days at a time”

From a practical perspective, this is one of the most common myths we hear. After all, it’s just not possible to eat a lot of ingredients after they have been cooked for a few days — with poultry generally falling into said category.

Well, nobody said that you weren’t allowed a freezer as part of your plans. This is actually your secret weapon, as it can mean that you can make huge quantities of meals and store them for weeks at a time. You won’t lose any nutrients by eating frozen foods, and the only thing that you do need to ensure is that your fridge and freezer are working correctly. If this isn’t the case, turn towards a Service Force repair service.

“It’s all about being strict with your body”

There’s no doubt that food prep has gained its reputation courtesy of all of the healthy benefits that are associated with it.

However, it doesn’t mean to say that you have to stick to this clean, rigid plan all of the time.

There’s no reason you can’t tap into the convenience benefits, and cook some less healthy food in bulk. Let’s not forget that this might even help you in your battle to lose weight as well; being too strict with yourself is simply asking for trouble and heightening the chances of you failing with your plight.

“You need to eat the same thing every day”

Another common misconception about food prep is that you need to eat the same meals each and every day.

Granted, you can make your life easier by following such an approach, but this doesn’t form the basis of food prep.

The best advice is to cook ingredients, rather than meals, for example, you can meal prep chicken, potatoes, rice, and veggies — so you can chop and change your meals as the week progresses. This might mean cooking three types of proteins and three types of carbs — just so you can change the combinations.

“It’s really expensive”

Again, this is one of those things that couldn’t be further from the truth. The fact that you are planning your meals means that you are not tempted to buy additional food, or meals out, during the week. It’ll make working from a home office easier and will keep your finances in good shape. In short, this is a much more structured process, which will help you keep on top of your costs.

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