Daily Rituals to Keep You Healthy and Happy While You Work

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Staying focused and motivated throughout the working day can be a challenge when you work from home. With real life distractions and working spaces that aren’t designed with the same level of ergonomic care and attention to detail as an office, there is all the more need to take care of yourself.

Do you have any rituals that you use to help get you ready for work? It’s something many of the most successful business people in the world have revealed about themselves and scientific studies have offered evidence that they really do work.

So here are some top tips that will get your body and mind fine-tuned and ready for work:

A short sharp shock in the morning

Here’s one tip that is definitely easier to do for home workers who don’t need to get out into the commuting rat race in the morning. Having a quick cold shower gives you a boost in both blood circulation and by releasing endorphins, lifting your mood and making you more productive.

Leave your emails til you’ve finished urgent jobs

When you start work in the morning, the temptation is to check in on and respond to all your emails, particularly as a way of demonstrating to colleagues that you really are working. However, when you have important work that is needed to be done, ignore the emails and stay focused.

Practice mindfulness

If you are at home alone during the day, there is no excuse not to find the time to practice some mindfulness exercises. There aren’t the noises and distractions of office colleagues or the concern that you’d be seen doing something other than working hard. So whether it is breathing exercises or counting to 10 over and over for 10 minutes.

Do a workout

Here’s another one that is definitely easier to do at home than in an office or shared workspace. Doing exercise helps stimulate the development of new mitochondria within your cells, which gives you more physical and mental energy during the day. You can do a short workout on a break from work or you can go for a run round the block. Then you’ll be ready to get back to work firing on all cylinders.

These are just four rituals you can incorporate into your working day and you can see more in this infographic from Pound Place. Working from home gives you the freedom to tailor your working day around your needs, so why not make the most of it to supercharge yourself?

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