How to Create a Fitness Plan and Stick with It

Person with a fitness plan
Photo by Liliana Drew from Pexels

So, you are ready to take back your health! Being fit has many benefits. You feel healthier, have more energy, and your mood elevates. But how do you create a fitness plan? You first must personalize your plan, and then you commit it to writing. If you worry about sticking to your plan, find yourself an accountability partner, and start tracking your progress.

1. Personalize Your Plan

The first step to creating a fitness plan (or any kind of plan really) is personalizing it. You are a unique individual, and no plan works the same for you as it does for somebody else. Think of the goals you want to accomplish. What kind of person do you want to be? Take some time to sit down and brainstorm your goals. After your brainstorming session, do some research and talk to some friends and fitness experts to get some ideas on where begin your fitness plan. You probably also want to have an exercise plan and a diet plan. has apps with personalized workout routines. It is important to be flexible when you create your fitness plan. You will learn what works with your body and your schedule over time.

2. Commit to Your Plan in Writing

Now that you have a rough idea of your fitness plan, it is time to commit that plan to paper. Science shows that writing down your goals helps you to achieve them. According to this Forbes article, when we write down our goals we get two benefits. The first benefit is that you see the goals. They are in front of you. You hang them anywhere necessary for a constant reminder. The second benefit is that writing the goals down stores them in your long-term memory. Therefore, make sure to physically write down your fitness plan ─ with a pen and paper. You can also type your plan on a laptop or smartphone if you want some extra copies.

3. Find an Accountability Partner

You created your personalized fitness plan, and committed to your plan in writing. How do you guarantee that you will stick with your plan? You must find an accountability partner. It is always easier to reach your goals when you have someone else cheering you on. When you seek an accountability partner, find someone who is equally or a little more motivated than you. This person does not need to be in better shape than you, but they must have the ability to encourage you to keep going. That being said, you do not want them to be significantly more motivated than you. You want a partner. Also, sometimes are the one doing the encouraging. Being accountable to your partner helps you stick with your own fitness plan.

4. Track Your Progress

Lastly, to stick to your new fitness plan, you must track your progress. Tracking how your goals come along is very important. When you track your progress, you stay motivated to continue your plan. Additionally, you pinpoint any problem areas. Perhaps you notice a correlation between how you feel certain days and how well you stick to your plan. Remember your plan is a living document and improves as you learn more about what you need or what works for you.


Now that you have a plan of action, are you ready to create your fitness plan and stick with it? When you create your plan, it is important to personalize your plan. You are a unique individual who deserves a plan that caters to your needs. You also want to commit to your plan in writing. When your hand writes ─ with pencil or pen ─ your brain stores that in your long-term memory. After you have your plan in place, be sure you to stick with it. Having an accountability partner motivates you to stick to your plan. You also feel a responsibility to motivate them. Finally, tracking your progress helps you see how far you came and motivates you to keep going. It also helps you to pinpoint specific problem areas. Starting a fitness program is daunting, but following these four steps will help you create and stick to your new fitness plan.

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