What Is CBD Oil, and How Can It Help You?

Cannabis Oil and Hemp

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve likely heard something about CBD oil. Those using the oil can’t seem to get enough of it. The CBD oil industry is set to boom, and has led to claims of it being a cure-all with virtually no side effects. It almost seems too good to be true.

In this post, we’re going to go through the evidence-based benefits of CBD oil.

Analgesic Properties

Marijuana has a long history of being used as a medicinal herb. Records of its use go back almost three thousand years. CBD is a chemical within the marijuana plant that acts on the endocannabinoid system in the human body. The endocannabinoid system regulates certain functions, including pain relief.

CBD reduces inflammation in the body and interacts with neurotransmitters in the nervous system. It can help ease chronic pain, especially when combined with THC, another compound in marijuana. THC is psychoactive, so it’s not legal in most states and might not be an option for you. Luckily, CBD oil is often available with only trace amounts of THC.

Helps with Anxiety and Depression

Interestingly enough, CBD oil has shown some promise when it comes to treating anxiety and depression. So far, the evidence is limited to a few studies, but these have suggested that the oil could help users relax. Before deciding to buy CBD oil for yourself, you’ll want to read through buyer’s guides and reviews to using CBD to treat anxiety.

Some studies have shown that CBD oil could be as effective as benzodiazepines without all the adverse side effects associated with the pharmaceuticals. The oil helps to improve the brain’s receptiveness to serotonin, and this produces the anti-depressant effect.

Relieves Symptoms Related to Cancer

There are some reports on the internet that CBD oil will cure cancer. We think that this is a stretch. What it can do, though, is make life with cancer a little more bearable. It helps to treat pain and reduce nausea and vomiting associated with chemotherapy.

Could Help with Acne

Some exciting research has been conducted in this area. The oil helps to reduce inflammation all over the body, including the skin. It also acts on the sebaceous glands and can prevent them from producing excessive amounts of sebum.

Could Protect the Nervous System

CBD oil is old news in the treatment of multiple sclerosis and epilepsy. It seems particularly promising when it comes to the nervous system in general. It can help to reduce spasming and improve the quality of life of those with diseases like Parkinson’s.

It’s also shown promise in mice that are predisposed to developing Alzheimer’s. It could help stave off cognitive decline.

Improves Heart Health

Research is also revealing that CBD could benefit those with cardiovascular issues and poor circulation. The oil has been proven to help regulate high blood pressure. It may also assist your body in dealing with oxidative stress. That’s good for the heart as well.

Do I Take It or Not?

That’s something that everyone will need to decide for themselves. If you’re unsure of whether CBD oil can help you, speak to your health care provider. It’s also essential to talk to your pharmacist about possible drug interactions if you’re on medication.

If you want to replace your current medication with one of the best CBD oils, work with your doctor to wean yourself off your old meds. It can be dangerous to stop medications for conditions such as depression and anxiety cold turkey.

Final Notes

In the final tally, CBD measures up pretty well with its benefits on the human body. It could assist you with chronic pain, anxiety, blood pressure, and possibly even acne. It’s not a cure-all, but it looks like it’s pretty close.

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