All You Need to Know About Home Care for the Elderly

Care for the Elderly
Photo by Kampus Production from Pexels

There are many vital factors you must take into account when you care for the elderly. As one gets old, needs get complicated. Nursing home care has aided in handling the increasing demands of the elderly. You do not have to take the elderly to nursing homes when you can manage care for the elderly from their homes or your home.

You should have every chance to mature in place at your current residence, since it is a place you are familiar with and at ease in. Here are some things you need to know about caring for the elderly at home.

When Should You Hire a Caregiver?

There are two types of caregivers: companion and personal care. You can decide to hire a caregiver for the elderly if they are not of the capacity to do so, or they can do it on their own. In both scenarios, there are critical factors that will push you to hire a caregiver:

  • Suppose you lack a close family member to look after you often. Some elderly are lucky to have their close family members looking after them. With the current social and economic set-up with people preoccupied with education, jobs, their nuclear family, etc., it is harder to achieve that. This leaves an option of hiring a caregiver to care for the elderly needs.
  • Suppose a healthcare professional, such as a doctor or nurse, advises you to employ personal or private duty care if he or she thinks your loved one cannot live at home safely without trained home caregivers. This may be due to conditions like Alzheimer’s, heart diseases, strokes, body fractures, etc.
  • There are noticeable changes in mobility and strength. The age-related physical decline becomes evident after a certain point. It is time to start considering professional care when your loved one consistently struggles to travel from one point to another or lacks the strength to complete routine duties.

Don’t Skip Supportive Therapy

Some seniors have difficulty adapting to their current situations due to embarrassment and other things. Since the caregiver will be a new person, supportive psychological and physical therapy should be done first and regularly after the caregiver starts looking after the seniors. Below are some types of therapies that can be offered.


If the senior suffers from an injury, sickness affecting normal activities, or handicap, physiotherapy is recommended to aid in regaining movement and function.

As a caregiver, you must ensure your client adheres to all his or her doctor’s recommendations concerning physiotherapy. Most of the elderly will require both emotional and physical support to even get off their beds.

HGH Therapy

As one grows old, the growth hormone declines due to aging. In this case, a doctor might prescribe a synthetic HGH. The hormone aids in increasing exercise capacity, increasing bone density, increasing muscle mass, and decreasing body fat. With the availability of HGH pens, it is easier for the elderly to take hormones.

Psychological Help

Psychological help is needed to help the elderly adapt to their new selves and accept care from professionals. The acceptance process is gradual. If mental health is not addressed with intensity, the senior can fall into depression. Other issues the senior may face include anxiety, desperation, sadness, sleep disturbance, headaches, loss of appetite, or weight change. As a close person, you should not make him or her feel like a burden when he or she expresses feelings.

Regular Check-ups

Regular check-ups should be done for the elderly to know where there are any changes in their physical and mental health. The examinations aid in understanding areas to improve on or medication reduction. As a family member, make sure you check on your loved one. This will bring joy and hope to his or her life.

Don’t Leave the Person Alone or Isolated from Family

It is always good to hire a full-time caregiver. Anytime the caregiver is away, ensure that a close family member or a friend can take charge. Some families may feel that now there is a caregiver, they can isolate themselves from the elderly. When this happens, the elderly feel isolated and unwanted, and this can lead to depression. Being there for them as a family keeps them going.

Explore Insurance Options

Some people fail to hire a caregiver for the elderly because it is quite expensive. Some people hire them, but they cannot pay for the services by the time they reach the middle. The good news is that you have various insurance choices to cover home care services. You should have a flexible insurance policy to cater to your long-term needs. In addition, you should understand the pros and cons of the insurance you plan to use.

Use the Latest Technology

Catering for the elderly needs can be tiring. That is why applying the latest technology to make your work easier is advisable. With work made easier, you get enough time to rest and care for the elderly the next day. The high tech also promotes first response in case the senior demands prompt attention.

Keep Order in the House

As a caregiver, make sure that the house of the elderly is neat. In addition, put dangerous objects away from them. Neatness promotes healthy mental and physical energy. If there is any medication, keep it safe and offer it at the required times.


Care for the elderly should be a priority of loved ones. You should always plan for old age as a young person ― mentally and financially. Old age is not a curse, since it happens to all of us. Nobody should shame anyone about such matters.

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