Accident claims seem to be on the rise – because more and more people are learning that they don’t simply have to put up with long-term injuries.
In cases where people have been injured through negligence or third party fault, there are often options for compensation, whatever the kind of accident they may have been involved in.

Accidents on the road
Cars are safer than ever before, but road accidents continue to rise. 186,209 people were injured or killed on Britain’s roads last year, mostly due to negligent or careless driving. While it is illegal to text and drive, many people still do. Others are inexperienced, or simply distracted. The outcome can be tragic, or even fatal.
People who drive motorbikes are also at risk. While they may make up around one per cent of all UK traffic, they account for nearly 20 per cent of all accidents. Even more worryingly, motorbike riders are 40 times more likely to die than car drivers, usually due to poor driving by other people on the road.
Workplace accidents
Health and safety regulations aim to protect people from dangerous conditions at work. But accidents still happen, often for no fault of the person involved who has to live with the consequences. These might be because of defective machinery, trips over debris, slips on dangerous surfaces, exposure to harmful substances or injuries related to strain. Happily, accidents are falling. Between 2015 and 2016, 144 people were killed at work – seven per cent less than the five year average.
Another common cause of workplace injury or accident is stress. If your place of work isn’t safe and secure, it can often induce stress which then leads to accidents. Your employer is legally required to make sure equipment, staff and material are up to scratch, but many don’t, with some unfortunate consequences. In these instances, it’s often employers’ insurance companies that make sure that the person who’s suffered a fall or accident is adequately compensated.
The compensation you deserve
Compensation doesn’t just have to cover medical care, however. Sometimes these represent major losses of earnings. More than that, it can be extremely costly to replace affected vehicles or damaged goods. In the worst instances, people may need to have their homes refitted to accommodate an injury. Personal injury claims should take into account every area of the victim’s life – from emotional trauma to financial stress to medical expenses. Accidents can have a huge, irreparable effect on the victim’s life, and if it wasn’t your fault, you may well deserve compensation.
However, insurance companies sometimes make the process so hard it feels insurmountable. Terms and conditions can seem endless and inscrutable, particularly if you’re recovering from a head injury or trying to work out how you’ll get your life back on track.
If you think you may have the right to compensation, particularly if you’ve been seriously injured, contact a claims helpline for accidents. Accident Advice Helpline may be able to help you with the claim. They’re experts in the field and can help move the process forward without creating further stress.