10 Science-Based Health Benefits of Drinking Sufficient Water

Drinking water has many health benefits

Doctors never get tired of telling their patients to drink plenty of water, and there are credible reasons behind this. The human body contains approx. 60% water! Staying hydrated is good for your well-being. Medical science also endorses this view. The optimum benefits of drinking water can be obtained when you intake germ-free, pure water. You cannot drink water that isn’t purified and expect to get the health benefits. It’s key to use a suitable water filter to get rid of impurities and germs in the water before you drink it.

Listed below are science-backed health benefits of drinking water:

1. Maximizes physical performance – Your physical performance can be affected adversely if your body is not hydrated. This is even more important during sweltering summer days and after a long workout session! Dehydration leads to loss of water content in the body and the effects are quite visible. Optimal hydration reduces physical fatigue and even brings down the oxidative stress caused by high-intensity workout sessions.

2. Enhanced brain functioning – The functioning of the human brain can be affected severely due to lack of water intake. Mild dehydration can impair brain functioning perceptibly. This applies to both genders. Studies conducted on people from diverse age groups show that mild dehydration can affect mood and energy levels negatively. It can affect both academic and professional performance in the affected lot.

3. Dehydration may cause a headache – Have you had headaches that occur without any perceptible reason from time to time? While many factors can cause headaches, in a lot of cases the source is dehydration. Though drinking water cannot control the frequency of a headache, it can decrease the duration and intensity to an extent.

4. Reduced constipation – For people who often have to cope with the menace of constipation, drinking adequate water can be advantageous. For both old and young people, drinking inadequate water can aggravate the problem of constipation. When you drink less water, the colon extracts water from stool making it hard to pass through.

5. Kidney stone recurrence prevention – Many people have to cope with the issue of kidney stones. These can be annoying and require surgical removal at times. If you drink adequate water, the possibility of a recurrence of kidney stones is decreased. Higher fluid intake results in elevated amounts of urine passing through these organs and dilution of minerals. While more research is required, you cannot overlook the benefits of drinking water in this regard.

6. Relief from a hangover – Like millions of people, you may have experienced a hangover in the morning after having alcoholic beverage the previous night. It induces a feeling of lethargy, reduced energy and inactivity. Alcoholic drinks are diuretic and lead to dehydration in people. This leads not only to a hangover but symptoms like fatigue and headaches. To prevent alcohol-related dehydration and a hangover, you should drink enough water before going to bed.

7. Aid in losing excess weight – Drinking adequate water is beneficial when you want to get rid of excess body fat. It improves satiety and speed up the metabolic rate as well. Drinking water can boost your energy levels. If you drink water before lunch or dinner, you’ll end up eating less food as you’ll feel somewhat full. That helps in calorie intake control.

8. Toxin elimination – When you drink plenty of water, it flushes out toxins from the body. The toxins primarily get eliminated with urine and sweat. When there is no toxin accumulation in the body, the risk of contracting illnesses and infections goes down.

9. Skin health improvement – Drinking enough water improves the health of skin. It keeps the skin supple and well-nourished. Signs of ageing can be kept at bay if you drink enough water and lead a healthy lifestyle.

10. Body temperature control – Drink enough water to make sure your body temperature is well-regulated. When there is enough water in your body cells, they will cope with temperature fluctuations better than when your body is dehydrated. It is especially useful on hot summer days.

11. Mood booster – Staying hydrated leads to a good mood! Dehydration not only hampers one’s appearance, but also has an adverse effect on one’s mind. It causes irritability and restlessness.

Water is the ideal beverage for staying hydrated and healthy. Unlike caffeinated and aerated beverages, it does not contain extra calories. Water prevents many health complications from happening; drink purified clean water from a high-quality water filter.

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