What Is a Research Paper?

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Photo by Vlada Karpovich from Pexels

A research paper is a written work that is aimed at studying a topic, researching it, conducting experiments, finding and setting patterns, analyzing and summarizing information, and at the end, summing up and justifying the project.

A research paper is a mandatory section of students’ educational programs and an essential part of future specialists’ training. It is an educational and scientific activity focused on the professional practical training of a student. The researcher should correctly use information, logically build text, apply terminology, express thoughts, and draw conclusions.

A research paper aims to develop knowledge, scientific thinking, master new information, and consolidate it, gaining scientific work skills. Through such a project, the student can set problems and find quick optimal solutions. Step-by-step guidelines on how and what to write in each section of a research paper are well-described here.

There exist several classifications of a research paper:

  1. fundamental type, when one receives theoretical knowledge, assesses scientific data, and pinpoints patterns;
  2. research, when in the course of the project, new forecasts of formation in science and technology are found and developed, the search for patterns that did not exist before is conducted;
  3. applied type that covers the definition of scientific problems, creating new ways to solve them, namely, the development of unique methods and recommendations, step-by-step instructions.

Why is this type of work necessary? First of all, to develop interest in research activities, independently research various topics and problems, master information, analyze and systematize it.

The objectives of the research paper are:

-development of skills of independent research activities and their application to solving urgent practical problems;

-analyzing the theoretical approaches existing in domestic and foreign science, which are included in the scope of the research;

-conducting independent research on the selected issue;

-demonstration of the skills to systematize and analyze the data obtained during the research;

– instilling interest in scientific activity.

How to Write a Research Paper

As soon as you receive an assignment, you need to familiarize yourself with it immediately and ask your supervisor if there appear any questions.

To process and build the research work material logically, the student must follow such a project’s typical structure. It consists of the following parts:

– an abstract;

– an outline;

– the introduction;

– a literature review;

– methodology or materials and methods;

– results;

– a discussion;

– recommendations;

– limitations;

– the conclusion;

– acknowledgments or appendix;

– the references.

There also exists a unified algorithm for how to follow the structure and write a research paper:

– collection of information;

– its analysis and generalization;

– development of concepts and planning of activities;

– search for optimal methods and techniques for carrying out activities;

– researching trials and experiments;

– processing of new data;

– formalization of theoretical and empirical material with a complete text;

– project review.

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