Preparing for Your Freshman Year – 6 Tips to Help You Get Started

College Student

So you’ve finished high school and now you’re heading off to college. It’s a huge step and the transition can be a true roller coaster of emotions. You’re probably excited to meet some new people and leave your old peers behind, yet you’re nervous about being away from home for the first time and wondering how you’ll manage. Well, the biggest piece of advice that any graduate would give you is to not panic.

You’ll probably fit right into college and make friends that you’ll keep for life. But in order to quell the nerves you’re feeling right now, why not read on for 6 tips to help you get started at college. Good luck!

Prepare for your studies

Believe it or not, you’ll be actually doing some studying whilst you’re at college! In between all the parties, social gatherings, clubs and societies of course. Getting a head start with your studies will help you massively while you’re trying to find your feet. Make sure you have everything on your reading list, you have a laptop and all the relevant software you need; having a citation generator and a plagiarism checker will also be a huge help too.

Brush up on your social skills

College encourages students to have strong social skills, after all it’s preparing you for adult life and a potential career. From group projects to performances, communicating with your tutors and other faculty staff, to conveying your ideas clearly and confidently, as well as staying in a dorm with someone you’ve never met before. Try practicing your social skills before you head to college.

Read as much as possible

The increase in your academic workload might come as a bit of a shock to you, but even more so if you don’t prepare. During the summer, spend some time reading as much as you can and preparing your mind for study. Who knows, it might help to influence your college major and future interests at college.

Know how to stay safe on campus

Before you head to college, spend some time getting familiar with the college’s safety resources and procedures. Whether you’re walking home from a night out with friends or leaving the library late, you need to exercise caution and common sense while you’re on campus. You need to feel safe at college so make sure you’re also familiar with how your college deals with issues such as sexual assault, theft and bullying.

Know where to go for help

Studying at college isn’t easy. The workload alone can feel very overwhelming. This is especially true if you’re launching a business while attending college. So, if you’re struggling it’s important to know where to go for help and assistance. From the library, to contacting your professors via email or even for private 121s, make sure you know where you need to go if you’re worried about falling behind.

Go out and get involved

There’s no fun in hiding in your dorm all semester. Make sure you take full advantage of what your college has to offer and take part in clubs, societies or just head to sports events and support your college from the bleachers. You’ll love college life!

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