Why Entrepreneurial Medical Professionals Are Taking Aesthetics Training

Medical Professional

As a medical professional, you’ll know how vital it is to keep your skills current and in line with the latest best practices. And if you are the driving force behind the success of your practice, you’re probably always on the lookout for profitable new opportunities within the medical industry that can boost your bottom line.

In recent years, one of the most lucrative trends for enterprising medical professionals is to become skilled in administering non-surgical aesthetics treatments, such as injectables and laser peels—the so-called Liquid Face-Lifts.

According to Interface Aesthetics, one of the leading providers of aesthetics training courses, “the demand for Botox® and Dermal Fillers treatments is a unique area within healthcare which presents professional and financial opportunities. Working as an aesthetic practitioner can complement full-time healthcare work, or it can become a new full-time career with greater autonomy and exciting new challenges.”

If you’ve been looking for a new specialism, or a complementary offering to expand your medical practice, here are some of the reasons why aesthetics training is such a promising opportunity for medical professionals.

Cultural trends

The acceleration of the digital age and the prominence of the Millennial generation have created cultural trends that call for increased physical perfection. It’s no longer just supermodels and film stars who want to look Red Carpet Ready, the rise of highly visual platforms like Instagram and Pinterest have created a demand for near-perfect aesthetics in everyday life for ordinary people. Legions of aspiring bloggers, vloggers and influencers are spending enormous amounts of time and money in the pursuit of looking as beautiful and glamorous as possible.

Booming demand

Whereas conventional plastic surgery was only an option for wealthy perfection-seekers, injectables and similar treatments are within the budget of a much larger portion of the beauty market. The affordability and accessibility of treatments such as Botox injections, laser peels and dermal fillers have made them a hot commodity. This combination of cultural trends and affordable treatments has created a booming demand for these non-surgical beauty treatments.

New legislation

As the demand for aesthetics treatments grew rapidly, many high street and non-medical businesses began offering them as supplementary services. Without clear legislation, the provision was unregulated and not all treatment providers adhered to—or even knew of—the best practices for administering these treatments. Thankfully, The Keogh Report that was released in 2013 called for higher standards and quality controls within the industry. This gives those with a medical background a distinct advantage in offering these services in compliance with the new legislation.

Consumer caution

Just as with traditional cosmetic surgery, results of non-surgical treatments can vary, particularly when administered without adequate training. Those who have experienced unfavourable outcomes are understandably more cautious about the calibre of their chosen practitioner. And as stories of bad experiences have spread within the beauty market, more and more people are seeking the reassurance and higher standards of care that reputable companies and trusted professionals can offer. This again provides an advantage to established clinics and those with proven healthcare qualifications.

Quality training

As more and more practitioners are eager to meet the booming demand for aesthetics treatments, specialist training providers have begun offering the courses that will equip them with the right skills and techniques. It is possible to take short courses in the safe and effective administration of the most popular beauty treatments, with many courses being completed in a single day. If you’d like to explore the best training provision, look out for the top providers who only train in very small groups and always use live patients. Some companies also specialise in working solely with medical professionals, such as doctors, dentists, nurses and those with a background in healthcare.

These are just a few of the reasons that aesthetics training represents a unique, exciting and potentially highly lucrative opportunity for medical professionals looking for a new business offering. Exploring the many quality training options available may open up a fulfilling and financially rewarding new avenue to your medical career.

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