5 of the Reasons Why Universities Use Smart Cards

University Student
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

It’s a surprising fact that many schools, colleges and universities continue to rely on magnetic stripe contact cards for access requirements. These cards may have worked well in the past, but the technology is outdated and organisations can discover improvements in newer technological advances.

Smart cards represent a more robust technology for universities. They offer increased security and a greater number of features. Here are some of the reasons why forward-looking universities rely on Mifare cards and smart cards for solutions to their student and staff needs.

1. Modern Smart Cards Provide Enhanced Security

Contactless smart cards ensure students and staff can still easily access university buildings, but the access is more secure. The old-style magstripe cards don’t provide the enhanced protective benefits of smart cards. Contactless smart cards eliminate the requirement for keys, increasing safety in the building since keys are easily lost or stolen. Smart cards also provide secure access to IT systems, computers, documents, student health and leisure facilities, and student ID and financial details. New-style smart cards are inherently safer than magstripe technology

2. Smart Cards Provide More Convenience

University students, especially those starting new businesses, as well as staff have a lot to remember and to handle on a day-to-day basis. With smart cards, they don’t need to take several different cards or sets of keys to access different buildings on campus, or to log onto computers in the library. New smart cards enable a one-card system since they can be embedded with multiple features and functions. This streamlines university operations not only for the student or faculty member but for the organisation itself.

3. New Smart Cards Are More Flexible

A newer-style smart card is configurable and adaptable to different requirements, and these changes can be made daily — or more often if the need arises. For example, library privileges can be monitored or changed. Dining plans can be altered and access updated. The flexibility in the new smart card system makes it easier to give students and staff exactly what they need in terms of access and convenience.

4. Modern Smart Cards Are More Efficient and Cost-Effective

A new multi-function smart card gives a university improved financial, security, and data management capabilities. Efficiencies abound in simpler workflows and more productive systems. The modern smart card delivers greater effectiveness at a lower cost, which makes it easier to roll out the system across the entire campus.

5. Smart Cards Are Scalable

Using a modern integrated smart card system allows a university to expand as it develops. The underlying technological capabilities afford the institution the ability to develop functions and features as needed, depending on budget. Once the modern smart card system has been installed, it is easier to adjust and add functionality. This provides the ideal bedrock for a strong and stable system far into the future. Universities that rely on this new technology are better able to meet the demands of tomorrow’s educational requirements.

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