Cannabusiness Success: Honest Marijuana Company Revolutionizes Industry with New THC Capsules

The marijuana market is thriving, and one established cannabis enterprise is continuing to innovate: Honest Marijuana Company. A true leader in eco-cannabis cultivation, they are getting ready to launch double jacket THC-based capsules that have two methods of consumption. It is a pill inside of a capsule, so you can just swallow it or open the capsule and then place the pill in water, shake it up, and drink it for an even quicker effect!

Many cannabis lovers are looking for a new way to get a full intake of THC without having to eat an edible (which converts THC into a THC-derivative with sedative values) or smoke, which is dangerous, bad for the lungs, outdated, and inefficient. Honest Marijuana Company’s capsules are an all-new, very discreet, effective, efficient, and clean new way to consume THC without any risk of harm to the body.

After working with a European company that has patent-pending technology over the last year and a half, Honest Marijuana Company now has the ability to turn non-water-soluble substances like cannabinoids into nano-size for the cleanest, most efficient, healthiest, and most inconspicuous cannabis consumption. These revolutionary new nano-size THC capsules are sure to change the face of the marijuana market.

“The key to the next generation of cannabis is bioavailability,” said Serge Chistov, financial partner to Honest Marijuana Company. “In simpler terms, you don’t need to smoke a joint that contains 250 mg of THC to get a medicinal effect. Smoking is bad for you, and it is a very inefficient way of delivering the medicine. We are working on a nano-encapsulation of the formula that allows very small amounts of active ingredients to perform the same work as the enormous amounts used by old fashioned delivery mechanisms.

Nano-world is upon us. Farmers who have been working on it for the last ten to fifteen years, other companies we know in the industry, and Honest Marijuana Company are bringing true nano-technology products into the cannabis space. This will change perception and amounts being used, and people will learn that they don’t need as much cannabis as they thought they did to feel or experience the result that they need to.”

Serge Chistov, financial partner of Honest Marijuana Company

For more information about Honest Marijuana Company, visit their website. You can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

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