Actor Russell Crowe Shares Success Advice

On Turning 50, Being Considered To Be Grumpy, His Kids, Religion, Pope Francis, Faith, and The End Of The World

By Phil Thompson / The Interview Feed
Photo Credits: Reuters

Actor Russell Crowe has played the lead role in blockbusters such as Noah, Gladiator, The Water Diviner, and A Beautiful Mind. In this interview, he shares his business advice and insights about life and the movie Noah with Home Business Magazine readers.

Question (Q): Mr. Crowe, have you read the bible?
RC: Russell Crowe (RC): Yes, I have. I read the bible often, not just to prepare for “Noah”. I believe it is a very important book.

Q: Does that mean you are a man of faith?
RC: I am. And I am a man that has a lot of respect for faith and spirituality. I think it is important that we talk about religion in today’s world.

Q: Were you surprised then that your movie was banned in a lot of Muslim countries?
RC: No, I was not surprised. Even though Noah is in the Koran as well. But we knew going into this project that you can’t make stories or render images about the Prophet. But I do believe people are missing out if they don’t have the choice to see this film.

Q: On the other hand, Pope Francis invited you and some crew members to come to the Vatican. That must have been quite an experience.
RC: It was. It truly was. This Pope is a very special man. And it was an absolute privilege to be invited.

Q: What besides making movies is your greatest passion in life?
RC: My kids, hands down. It’s my biggest assignment, my most important job to be a father. I want to be the best dad I can be for my two boys.

Q: You seem happy and relaxed. Even though you have a reputation in Hollywood of  being tough and sometimes a little grumpy.
RC: I can be (laughs). Look, when I go to work I know that a lot of people depend on me. I need to be serious and focused at work. I owe it to everyone around me. It’s a sense of responsibility that I gladly take on.

Q: Noah saved animals from the great flood. Do you think the flood really happened, or is it fiction?
RC: I never looked at Noah as an animal collector. I always thought of him as an apocalyptic character. I read everything I found about it and was surprised to find that in all religions there is the story of the flood, and that one “hero” saved the world. This proved that Noah and his Ark — were not a religious myth, and is evidence that humanity really went through the flood.

Q: Do you believe in destiny?
RC: Yes, in my life there were times when dreams have nothing to do with reality, but obviously they were prophetic dreams. And I know that if we look closely and listen carefully, we can see the supernatural signs that determine our future. We all meet with various everyday difficulties and overcoming them, we grow and develop.

Q: You’ve been in show business for many years now. What is your secret for longevity?
RC: You need to learn to live with your mistakes. And you need to be in a position to say No once in a while. It’s important in life, and it’s important for any career that you want to pursue.

Q: You are about to celebrate your 50th birthday. Are you excited?
RC: Thanks for reminding me about my age. Thankfully, I don’t worry so much about my age. It’s the one thing I can’t really influence. I usually don’t celebrate much on my birthday. And it looks as if I will be spending the next one on a set again. It’s just the way I like it.

Q: Your “Noah” is very economic . And he loves to do things with his hands. Is it true that you want to be a farmer or is it  just a rumor?
RC: I already have a farm. Of course, I do not spend on it as much time as I would like, but it brings me much joy. I love to go out in the field or do some simple work. I recently had to upgrade the fence around the garden.

Q: Every year we see several films about the end of the world . What do you think will happen after the world ends?
RC: I have two kids , so I would not even think about the end of the world and the Apocalypse. I like to think of a happy future for my children. And what lies ahead and what lies ahead of us all. HBM

add: 12/14  hp: 12/14/14



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