Using Data Cooperatives to Drive Better Marketing Performance and ROI

38a-0815Adroit Digital, a performance marketing technology company that leverages shared shopper data to drive marketing results for global agencies and brands, has released new research revealing that those who use data co-ops report improved marketing ROI, customer experience and access to customers across multiple channels.

In the commissioned study conducted by Forrester Consulting on behalf of Adroit Digital, Leverage a Data Cooperative for Deeper Customer Insights and Better Business Outcomes,” 54% of respondents currently using a co-op state it offers unique access to valuable data not used before. Further, 71% of respondents agree that implementing a digital data cooperative will increase revenue, while 76% report that this type of data sharing lowers marketing expenses. The study, conducted by Forrester Consulting in January, involved in-depth surveys with 103 customer insights professionals and 100 digital marketers from US companies that gauged their use of and sentiments toward data cooperatives.

Additional highlights from the study include:

  • 42% of those using a data co-op believe co-ops drive better marketing ROI.
  • 40% of those using a data co-op say co-ops provide better access to customers across channels.
  • 65% cite shared data from partners as being critical to overall marketing strategy; 88% say it’s an important part of marketing efforts.
  • 46% of those using a data co-op think co-ops lead to better customer experience.

“The study shows that marketers understand they cannot limit their digital marketing toolset to only first- and third-party data, and that they must leverage data cooperatives to achieve a more holistic view of their current and potential customers,” said Jacob Ross, President of Adroit Digital. “Sharing data means scaling data. Clients who participate in data co-ops can reach a much larger audience with relevant messaging and gain deep insights into how those audiences are responding, which ultimately serves to drive more sales.”

Adroit Digital’s online data co-op, the Shopper Cooperative, allows participating marketers to contribute their own first-party data with other brands’ contributed, non-personally identifiable, first-party commerce data to target audiences at scale—with the marketer retaining full control of their data. HBM

Adroit Digital is a shopper-powered performance marketing technology company. The company has leveraged an online cooperative of shopper data and powerful predictive modeling technology to drive transformative results for global agencies and brands. Visit

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