Do Americans Know Enough About Basic Internet Safety?

Internet security
Image by Pete Linforth from Pixabay

The internet is foundational to American society these days. Not only does it store all of our sensitive data such as our bank account information, it connects all of us, enabling us to communicate easily. We check our smartphones a million times a day and they hold all of our personal information. So why don’t we treat our internet activity like we do our house or car, and provide additional safety and security to safeguard against intrusive internet attacks? To prevent burglary, many Americans invest in home security systems; however, the same people may entirely neglect web security altogether, due to the complicated nature of antivirus software or just out of sheer laziness.

Unfortunately, in today’s world, an internet connection that is poorly guarded can be just as disastrous as a home invasion. With everything connected to the internet of things or IoT, Americans must learn quickly to become web savvy or face the unfortunate consequences of keeping their web connection insecure. But do Americans even know that they must invest effort to make web security a priority?

What do Americans know about best practices for internet safety and security?

Internet security company Panda Security put Americans’ knowledge about web safety to the test. They asked American internet users three simple questions to determine how much the average American knows about web security:

  1. Do you use a virtual private network, also known as a VPN, to access the internet?
  2. How quickly do you update your computer after a new version of your computer’s software is released?
  3. What websites do you think are safest to shop from?

The results were staggering:

  1. Nearly half of Americans do not know what a VPN is, and 40% do not use VPNs.
  2. Two out of five Americans never update their computer when software updates are released.
  3. Half of Americans do not know what characteristics make an internet website safe for internet shopping.

Perhaps it’s no surprise that the average American does not know enough about the internet. After all, most older internet users rely on their children and grandchildren to explain commonly visited websites such as Facebook and Google to them.

Still, let’s discuss a couple of these misconceptions in detail. (Head over to Panda Security for a more detailed discussion of all three questions.)

Why use a VPN, anyway?

Have you heard the term floating around and wanted to read more about what a VPN actually is? A VPN or virtual private network is a surefire way to prohibit hackers from accessing your data and information you send over the web. The way a VPN works is to encrypt all the data sent to a website server so that those who have access to a public WiFi network cannot figure out what information you are sending over the network. Using a VPN enables web surfers to stay anonymous on the web and keeps their data safe and secure. Sadly, even though VPNs can make public web browsing infinitely more secure, most Americans are not utilizing this technology.

Panda Security reports that 40% of Americans do not use a VPN, and nearly 50% of Americans do not even know what a VPN is! This leaves a web-savvy 11% of Americans who regularly use VPN to protect their online activity from malicious entities who may be spying on public WiFi networks such as those available at libraries, cafes, retailers, and hotels.

Why don’t Americans update their software?

Another surprising finding revealed by the Panda Security survey was that 40% of Americans never update their computer software after an update is released. Software updates for smartphone firmware, or for a computer, such as the regular updates offered by Windows and Apple, can ensure that your computer or mobile device has the latest technology and safeguards to protect you from vulnerabilities in the software that hackers may exploit to try to gain access to your system.

The software update also provides crucial updates that help your computer or mobile device run faster and better. Antivirus software, in particular, should be updated regularly to avoid being hit by the latest computer virus. Panda Security’s survey revealed that more Americans should be regularly updating their software. Most software has an automatic update function which only requires a simple click of a button to update to the newest version. While some users may wait to update their software a few days after the software update comes out, to ensure that any bugs have been dealt with, everyone should be regularly updating their computer software to ensure that they are protected from viruses and have the best performing software available for their computer and mobile systems.

Ways to learn more about internet safety

Here at Home Business Mag, we have frequently discussed the importance of web safety and being an informed citizen of the internet, or netizen. Check out Panda Security’s blog post about ways to improve your company’s internet safety through using a VPN. If you have older relatives, see our blog post about some internet tools that can keep the elderly safe while surfing the web.

Panda Security can help you become a more informed web surfer

Want more information about common misconceptions regarding web safety and security? Check out the Panda Security blog for more information about American perceptions (and misperceptions) regarding internet safety here.

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