4 Ways to Tighten Security at Your Business Site

Security Fencing
Photo by Travis Saylor from Pexels

There are plenty of reasons to initiate a fresh assessment of security measures around your place of business. Safety for your employees is a major concern. You also would prefer to keep unauthorized people from gaining access to the equipment, the raw materials, and the finished goods. With that in mind, consider how the following four ideas would help increase security and make your business site more secure than it’s been in some time.

Replace Those Aging Security Gates

One of the first areas to evaluate is the primary points of entry. You do have security gates in place, but how long have they been in use? Do they still perform well or have they seen better days? Perhaps it’s time to consider a different security gate design, possibly one that provides more control of who can come and go.

Consider automated doors that can only be opened and closed by those with the correct credentials. A manual override that can be used in the event of a power failure is also nice, provided that access to that feature is limited to a trusted few.

Take a Fresh Look at the Fencing

The chain link fencing around the property is also something to consider. Is it still in great shape or are there some spots where the fencing is damaged or it would be relatively easy to scale it or maybe even dig under it? If so, it’s time to make some changes and hire professional fencing contractors for the project.

If damage is the issue, investing in new fence sections is a possibility. Assuming the rest of the fencing is still sturdy and in generally good condition, the new sections will blend in well. If there are multiple sections that need attention, it may be more cost-efficient to buy new fencing even as you decide that a new security gate in Toronto is needed.

Seal Off Entrances That Are No Longer Used

While you do need some points of entry, do you have some that are no longer used? For example, the loading dock that once served as a point for receiving or shipping goods by rail is no longer used. If that’s the case, it may be time to permanently seal that access point.

Why not just put locks on the gates at those points of entry? It’s still rather easy to break in at those points. If you seal them permanently, such as with new fencing that’s reinforced, doing so will be more difficult and time consuming. If someone does try to gain access at one of those points, there will be more time for the security system to note the activity and summon the authorities.

Time for New Overhead Doors

Along with security improvements to the property, consider what can be done with the building. New overhead doors may be in order. That’s especially true if they’ve been around for a long time and no longer work as well as they did in the past.

You can take advantage of newer technology and sturdier materials that provide greater protection. Work with a reputable firm to identify the best door designs for your business site. You’ll find that a Universal Door & Equipment Ltd. overhead door in Toronto will be just what you need.

From ordering new custom security gates to investing in new fencing, there are usually ways to make your place of business more secure. If you could use some ideas, contact a professional and arrange for an inspection. The ideas that the professional comes up with could mean all the difference in terms of keeping the grounds safe, ensuring only authorized personnel can enter the facility, and, in general, protecting your employees as well as company equipment and other resources.

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