Business Books That Will Lead You to Success

how-to-protect-or-destroy-your-rep-onlineHow to Protect (or Destroy) Your Reputation Online: The Essential Guide to Avoid Digital Damage, Lock Down Your Brand, and Defend Your Business

By John P. David

Headlines today are filled with cell phone videos of bad behavior, verbal attacks in the Twitter-verse, and disturbing incidents of cyberbullying. Online reviews can make or break your small business. Do you engage a negative reviewer? Do you place pre-written positive reviews? What are the ins and outs of review sites like Yelp, TripAdvisor, and Angie’s List?

Seasoned reputation management expert, John P. David shares exactly how to do this in his new book, How to Protect (or Destroy) Your Reputation Online: The Essential Guide to Avoid Digital Damage, Lock Down Your Brand, and Defend Your Business (Career Press, 978-1-63265-064-1
$16.99, Paperback).

This indispensable guidebook is for individuals and businesses, offering in-depth information that details how you can deal with hate blogs, Google’s “right to be forgotten” in Europe, the business of online complaint sites, and even the covert ops of reputation management.

In this book, you’ll learn specifics about:

  • How to remove negative content from search results,
  • Why not participating is not an option,
  • The difference between the deep web and the dark web — what it means to you,
  • How to react and respond to an online attack,
  • Understanding and managing online reviews, and
  • Using marketing strategies to both improve your online reputation and bolster your bottom line.

For more information, visit and


girl-codeGirl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur

By Cara Alwill Leyba

Women vs. women: it’s an age-old battle among females from the boardroom to the chat room. In fact, recent studies show that at work women bullies target other women 68% of the time, and even on Facebook jealousy occurs among 68% of women users. Now is the time for women to come together and celebrate each other. Now is the time for women to stop competing and start collaborating, because we are better together.

Forget competition, it’s all about empowerment! Best-selling author, speaker, and master life coach Cara Alwill Leyba’s glamorous approach to self-help has attracted thousands of women to attend her workshops, buy her books, read her blog and follow her on social platforms. Girl Code: Unlocking the Secrets to Success, Sanity, and Happiness for the Female Entrepreneur, was recently named one of the top 9 books every female entrepreneur should read by Inc. magazine, and is currently the #1 best-selling book in the Women in Business category on Amazon.

GIRL CODE is a roadmap for female entrepreneurs, professional women, “side hustlers” (those with a day job who are building a business on the side), and anyone in between who wants to become a better woman. This book will not teach you how to build a multimillion dollar business. It won’t teach you about systems or operational processes. But it will teach you how to build confidence in yourself, reconnect with your “why,” eradicate jealousy, and ultimately learn the power of connection. Because at the end of the day, that’s what life and business is all about.

For more information, visit


ten-laws-of-trustThe 10 Laws of Trust: Building the Bonds That Make a Business

By Joel Peterson

Over the course of more than four decades as a board chairman of JetBlue, Stanford professor, real-estate entrepreneur, growth-capital investor, manager, teacher, father, and husband, Joel Peterson has continually developed and depended on high-trust relationships to quietly emerge as a respected leader. In The 10 Laws of: Building the Bonds That Make a Business Great (AMACOM; $15.95), Peterson shows leaders at all levels how to avoid or reverse a devastating trust shortfall.

What is trust, exactly? Peterson distills this vital yet elusive quality — the essence of great leadership and sustainable business success — into simple laws:

  • LAW 1:  Start with Personal Integrity
  • LAW 2:  Invest in Respect
  • LAW 3:  Empower Others
  • LAW 4:  Measure What You Want to Achieve
  • LAW 5:  Create a Common Dream
  • LAW 6:  Keep Everyone Informed
  • LAW 7:  Embrace Respectful Conflict
  • LAW 8:  Show Humility
  • LAW 9:  Strive for Win-Win Negotiations
  • LAW 10: Proceed with Care

For more information, visit

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