Four Tech Ideas That Your Employees Will Actually Be Happy About

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Depositphotos 155499362 m 2015 e1505271835604

There’s probably a lot of tech in your office already, and every time you introduce something new, your employees probably roll their eyes and sigh. That’s because new tech takes a long time to learn, and it isn’t always quite as helpful as it claims to be.

That’s not the case with these four tech ideas. Bring these into the office and your employees will actually thank you!


If you aren’t already allowing your employees to listen to music while they work, you should. Listening to their favorite tunes can actually help them focus in on the task at hand. It can even help drown out distractions, boosting their focus even more.

If you really want to impress your employees, provide them with high-quality Focal Utopia headphones while they’re in the office. If they know they can listen to music they like on high-quality headphones, they’ll actually look forward to coming to work!

Privacy Indicator Lights

Open office floor plans are all the rage. They’re fantastic when it comes to collaboration, but they’re a nightmare if you need some privacy.

When it’s time to buckle down and get some work done, your employees will appreciate this privacy indicator light. Just clip it on a laptop or place it on a desk. Choose green when you don’t mind being interrupted and red when you don’t want to be disturbed. It’s a lot like having your own private stoplight in the office.

WiFi Hotspot

You may have already heard about WiFI hotspots, but maybe you haven’t invested in one. If you and your employees regularly meet outside the office, or if you have clients who come to the office regularly, a hotspot is a must.

It enables you to use the internet no matter where you go. That frees you and your crew up to get a little work done at the park on a nice day. It can also be used when meeting clients at the office or at their location.

In addition, it offers more protection than the free WiFi at the coffee shop. It’s an easy way to make sure your files are protected.

The Workout Desk

Sitting at your desk all day is bad for your health. It’s also really uncomfortable. There’s no doubt that your employees would appreciate the chance to move around a little at their desk.

The solution? Turn their desk into a workout desk:

  • Allow employees to swap out their desk chair for an exercise ball
  • Purchase clip-on trays for treadmills that can hold laptops
  • Purchase special desks with integrated cycling machines and treadmills
  • Provide employees with standing desks so they can stretch while they work

There’s no question that some tech just isn’t worth the time or the money. That’s definitely not the case with the tech on this list! Not only will these items make the office a more comfortable place to work, they can actually boost performance, making them a great investment for any business.

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