5 Reasons Your Small Business Should Use an Electronic Signature Solution

electronic signature Woman Smiling
Andrea Piacquadio / Pexels

Adopting an electronic signature solution for a small business is a safe way to complete processes on the go. With only a few clicks of your smartphone or tablet, you can utilize a signature online form for your business. Esignatures don’t require a physical touch to the document, nor do they require storing the paper documents securely and making copies of them.

The history of signatures is usually associated with stamps, seals, and handwritten names. However, they haven’t obtained their value because of the physical pen-on-paper markings, but because of the meaning behind the signature.

As paper processes become inefficient and companies realize that eliminating paper is highly beneficial for their business, an electronic signature is becoming a more common legally binding form of confirmation by the signatory.

Read on to find out how small businesses can improve processes by using an electronic signature solution to achieve higher customer satisfaction, lower costs, improved efficiency, and employee productivity.

1. No Messy Paperwork

If you are an entrepreneur or small business owner, you are probably looking for new ways to save your time, energy, paper, and often your nerves involved in the tedious paperwork process.

It’s no fun to deal with never-ending paperwork. Instead, you can focus your time and energy on building stable relationships with your clients and customers.

2. Save Time

What used to take days or weeks for a document to be signed off by 3, 4 or more parties, can now be completed within minutes or seconds.

You don’t have to drive miles to get to the other signees; the whole process is digital, and it can take place from anywhere, at any time. The stakeholders may be located far away from each other, but they can still collaborate and sign the document in a very short period of time.

3. Reduce Costs

Every dollar you save in small business matters. The large sum of money used on paper can be used to explore new opportunities for growth instead.

Replacing the bulky drawers with convenient cloud storage means saving yourself extra space in the office.

It is also an environmentally-friendly option that will allow your business to reduce unnecessary amounts of paper and other supplies related to printing.

4. Higher Client Satisfaction

One of the critical aspects of running a successful small business is keeping your clients happy, and implementing technology is the key to achieving higher client satisfaction.

With an electronic signature solution, you are offering them a smoother and more streamlined signing experience that will be much appreciated by both your customers and clients.

5. Make Your Contracts More Secure

Ink-on-paper signatures lack security and accessibility as hard copy documents easily get lost, misplaced, damaged, stolen, and forgotten. These concerns are avoided when using eSignatures.

DigiSigner electronic signature solution implements superior security protocols, so you can send, receive, and store your electronic forms safely and efficiently. You will not only be able to sign your documents with just a click of your mouse, but also as the owner of the document, you will have access to all the information related to the signing transactions to ensure extra authenticity and credibility for the transactions. That information includes email addresses, IP addresses, and even what time the signing party left the signature.

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