Why a Standing Desk Is a Must-Have Investment If You Work from Home

People who have a 9-to-5 office job are dreaming to work from the comfort of their house. But, what they do not know is that you do not work from your couch, you have a desk and in the majority of cases you spend more than 8 hours a day at it. For the people who work from home, this job is more challenging than if they would work in an office, and the stress has numerous effects on their health. When you sit in the office so many hours per day, you increase your chances for developing a health issue. There are studies that connect sitting with dying early, and even if they are extreme, it is important you understand that it is not healthy for you to sit in a chair for so many hours. If you replace your old desk with a standing one, you will immediately notice improvements.

You will not experience as many pains as in the past

Reduce back pain

Sitting at a desk for multiple hours daily will lead to back and leg pains, and if you experienced issues related to these types of pains in the past, you will not be able to endure the stress of working at a traditional desk. Studies confirm that if you use a standing desk you will experience reduced body pains, and slowly you will get rid of them. If you were to take part in an experiment, and instead of sitting in a chair for 8 hours, you would have a standing break for an hour, you would relieve the stress you put on your spine and you would feel better. If you experience lower back pain and leg pain constantly and you want to replace your own desk with a new one, then it is advisable to opt for one that allows you to easily change the positions.

Prevent neck craning

When you sit for more than eight hours a day in front of your computer, there are high chances your neck will crane toward the monitor of the computer. This makes your spine get a C shape, and this is quite harmful to your body. When you stand up, your spine gets its natural S shape and it elongates, so there is no stress on your neck that can lead to pains. You can pair the standing desk with a monitor stand, because it helps your body get a natural, unstrained position.

Reduced risk of compressed spinal discs

If you sit at a desk, your spine gets the C shape and this leads to disc damage in time. Your entire upper body weight is put on the tailbone, and the disc collagen will get hard around your tendons and ligaments. Doctors state that the people who sit for a long time are in great danger of experiencing herniated lumbar disks. But if you use a standing desk, your spine will be arched in an S form. When your spine has the S shape, it facilitates the nutrients and blood circulation to your soft tissue and it maintains the health of your discs.

No more shoulder and leg pains

There are many cases where a person’s effectiveness is reduced because they experience pains caused by a sitting position at their desks. When you work from home, you may find no reason to get up from your desk, because you do not have to attend meetings and socialise with your colleagues. This means that you have a greater chance to spend more time sitting. Having bad posture at the desk can cause you leg and shoulder pains. A standing desk helps to get the shoulders in a balanced position and allows the blood from your legs to flow freely. The best way to get rid of pains is to move.

Fewer headaches

People who work the entire day in the front of a computer experience headaches because of the bad posture they have. Standing desks place the computer in a position that does not put stress on the neck. When the posture of the body is better, headaches are reduced.

You will improve your performance if you have a standing desk

You will have more energy

When you feel better, you have more energy to meet your tasks. People have the misconception that standing will make you feel tired, but they could not be more wrong. If you stand while you are working on your computer, you will benefit from the same effects as if you would drink a cup of coffee. Your blood will flow freely through your body, and your muscles will get the oxygen they need to function. Energy will not be late to come.

You will be more productive

If you will work at a standing desk, you will work more effectively. Once the energy levels are boosted, you will find it easier to accomplish your tasks. The most significant results will be achieved after two months of using a standing desk, because your body needs a period to get accustomed to the changes. You have to adjust to your new workplace, and you will notice how good you feel and the results you get when you work.

You increase the capacity of the lungs

When you are sitting for multiple hours, your spine compresses your rib cage. Your lungs cannot function at the normal capacity and you do not get the amount of oxygen you need. But if you use a standing desk, then your spine will stay in the elongated position and the lungs will get the oxygen amount they need. The main cause for reduced productivity of a home worker is by a lack of oxygen and energy.

Alongside the benefits stated above, using a standing desk also has multiple health benefits such as improved circulation, reduced risk of cardiovascular disease and reduced risk of diabetes. There is a long list of benefits you can have if you bring this change to your life.

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