The 5 Benefits of Having the Best Home and Office Printers

Home office printer

Whether at home or at the office, printers are a common appliance. They are a necessity, especially when trying to convert digital documents into hard copy documents. The former continues to dominate, especially in ease of distribution.

In addition, electronic documents contribute to reduced carbon emissions, thus contributing to a cleaner environment. While this may offer great convenience, papers still hold a significant value and this is why you need an office or home printer. In fact, you can find the best ones here.

Take a look at why you need a printer either in your office or at home.

1. Convenience

It may seem like a contradiction, but printed material offers convenience to readers. For example, you can mark the document or make some light notes on it. In addition, paper is lighter than a notebook computer or a tablet, thus making it easier to move around with papers than a laptop.

Furthermore, you can replace a lost or damaged document by printing a new one. This is different from a digital document which may be a challenge, especially if you don’t have a backup or remember where you downloaded the document.

2. Easy to Read Paper

Many people agree that reading printed documents is easier than reading electronic ones. According to a research done in 2012, printed documents maintain sharper clarity compared to the sharpest display available. Indeed, this is evident when you compare 264 dots per inch, which is what iPad 3 renders in display, to 600 dots per inch generated by cheap printers.

Moreover, computer and tablet displays are glossy and backlit. For this reason, it becomes difficult to read when under the sun due to glare. On the other hand, a printed page in such conditions is easier to read. Some people are allergic to the harmful rays emitted by these screens, which makes printed documents a healthy alternative.

3. Secure Delivery

You can print out a document and deliver it to your intended receiver in complete discretion. In contrast, emails indicate the sender, the receiver, the date and the time when the document was sent. This creates a chain which creates digital footprints and can be traced. Due to its exclusive discretion, printed documents present an anonymous method to send information. No footprints or interceptions whatsoever.

Home office workspace

4. Cheaper to Print Documents at Home

While the initial cost may be a great inhibitor to purchasing printer, the long-term benefits outweigh this. A home printer, for example, will save a lot of money you’d have otherwise used for fuel to use the nearest commercial printer, not forgetting the time wasted and money used to print the document.

5. Create Hard Copies for Backup

Digital documents are prone to corruption due to hacking and other technical faults including a computer crash. With a home or office printer, you can create hard copies which you can use as backups in case of any unexpected events.

Convenience is a great asset in any business or even on a personal level. For this reason, a high-quality home or office printer can be a great partner. Reading a printed document the old-school way is entertaining and healthier than fixating your eyes on a screen for extended time periods.

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