How to Affordably Furnish Your Home Office

Depositphotos 7652249 m 2015 e1522335329304
Depositphotos 7652249 m 2015 e1522335329304

There is an increasing trend towards more people working from home either in their own home business or working for a company that allows their employees to work remotely part-time or full-time. This trend is predicted to grow even more as indicated in research by PSKF* that found 60 percent of today’s office-based employees are expected to work remotely by 2022. If you are working from home, it is important that you have enough space to create an office setting that is comfortable, distraction and stress-free, and conducive to being productive.

Separate Room or Dedicated Space

The first thing you have to do when creating and designing your home office is to define your space. Do you have a room you aren’t using such as a guest room or extra bedroom? If you do, you can turn it into your office to prevent distractions. If you don’t have any extra rooms, it is still possible to create a dedicated space in your home where you have a few feet of available space. Does your home have an alcove under your staircase? How about a large stair landing? You can even set up an office in unused spaces in your living room or bedroom. You might be surprised at what you can do with current living spaces simply by re-arranging some furniture and utilizing the space you have in different ways. All you need is a little creative and out-of-the-box thinking.

Choosing Your Furniture

You can either re-purpose furniture from other rooms in your house or visit affordable furniture stores. You can also check out their sale items to save even more money. The most important piece of furniture is your desk. Think about what you need, the amount of space you have, and what size is best for you. Make sure that your desk is not used for anything except your work. If you have to move non-work related papers, children’s toys, or other junk before you start your work, you will be wasting time and it will impede your progress. The chair you choose or purchase is also a very important piece of furniture as you will be spending a lot of your time in that chair. Don’t forget that sitting for extended periods of time can cause leg or back pain. It is probably not a good idea to simply move one of your kitchen chairs into your office space as it is more than likely not going to be comfortable after spending several hours on it. If you don’t already own a high-quality office chair, this is something you should definitely consider purchasing new.

Decorate Your Space

You might be thinking that how you decorate your office space is not important. However, remember that you want to be efficient and get things done in your home office. Surrounding yourself with things like pictures of family and friends, plants, scented candles, or inspiring quotes will make your office cozy and personal. Did you know that when your office space smells nice it actually increases efficiency? That’s right, recent studies have shown that more fragrant offices improve both comfort and productivity.

Keep Clutter to a Minimum

There is no bigger detriment to being productive than having to sort through piles of stuff or clutter in order to find something you need to complete any given task. You will want to have everything you need available to you right at your fingertips. This is where shelving and storage become important. If your desk doesn’t have much storage or a file drawer, you can build shelves over your desk to put files, office products, and important papers. Consider purchasing used cabinets from places like Craigslist or Facebook. It is easy enough to paint or refinish a used cabinet to match your preferred style and decor. Another option is to contact demolition companies and ask if they have any cabinets from houses or buildings that are being destroyed.

Working from home has so many benefits, including more flexibility and the ability to create your own hours. However, don’t overlook the importance of creating the most tranquil and functional office space for you to get your work done. It doesn’t have to cost you a lot of money. All it takes is a little creativity and you are well on your way to having a great new home office.


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