New Year, New Home Office: Light Up Your Work Space With Sunlight Inside

There’s no doubt that the lighting in an office can make or break a home business owner’s productivity and mood during the day and ability to relax at night. For example, too low of lighting can cause eye strain and harsh artificial lighting can increase stress and cause restlessness at night when it’s time to wind down for sleep. Luckily, there is a solution! Sunlight Inside has created groundbreaking natural light innovations for home offices.

Exposure to natural sunlight boosts our moods, drives our hormone cycles, and synchronizes our circadian rhythm, ultimately impacting our daily motivation and work productivity. Our bodies are linked to the daily cycles of natural sunlight, so wouldn’t it be best to try to emulate these organic lighting changes in our home offices? Sunlight Inside has done just that with their mySun and bottled sunshine™ desk lamps that cycle from energizing sunlight in the morning to calming warm light to help you relax at night.

Many home business owners don’t get outside enough during the day, so Sunlight Insight lamps are the perfect way to bring the outdoor sunlight inside. They are also preset to the user’s address before shipment, so there is nothing to set up or install once they arrive. Home business owners will also love the lamps’ quality, efficient, and long lasting full spectrum light and how they are BLE enabled for easier control and higher functionality.

Home Business Magazine had the chance to catch up with the creator of the Sunlight Inside lamps, Konrad Jarausch. He shared what inspired him to create the mySun desk lamp, his most effective method of marketing his lamps, and more:

HBM: What inspired you to create the mySun desk lamp? How does it benefit home business owners?
Jarausch: “Getting regular exposure to natural light is one of the simplest things we can do to feel better, sleep better, and maintain our health and wellness. To put it simply, light is a natural drug pathway–our bodies are programmed to respond to the daily cycles of light and dark. Unfortunately, we now spend ~90% of our time indoors, without enough light during the day to signal ‘awake and alert’ and with too much (blue) light at night to allow us to relax and sleep. I created the mySun desk lamp to bring the benefits of natural light indoors, to where people are working, reading, and spending their time.
MySun is ideal for those of us working in places without enough natural light (limited windows, overhead fluorescent lights, etc). If you live in a place with long dark winters, mySun helps boost your energy and lift your mood by providing extra sunlight during the day. If you work in the evening or nights, mySun provides biologically safe lighting (no bio-active blue) so that you can complete your tasks without disrupting your bio-rhythms.  MySun is the world’s first healthy desk lamp, automatically providing the daily and seasonal cycles of natural light!”
HBM: What has been your most effective method of marketing your lamps?
Jarausch: “Marketing has changed dramatically with the advent of the internet – it is now possible to work with influencers and social media tools to reach people who are interested in health and wellness. I am also working hard to raise general awareness of light’s health and wellness impacts. I’m amazed at how few people understand that just getting outside in the morning (and minimizing exposure to artificial light at night) can dramatically improve the way you feel and sleep.
I am working to become a trusted resource for people who are asking ‘why do I feel bad under fluorescent lighting’, or ‘is blue light from LEDs bad?’ SEO (search engine optimization) is key to making it easier for folks to find the information you are providing. As a small business owner on a limited budget, it is not possible to educate everyone on the health and wellness benefits of natural light, so I feel fortunate to have the opportunity to work with influencers and targeted marketing tools.”
HBM: What advice do you have for other entrepreneurs who have a great product idea? 

Jarausch: “The internet allows you to test product ideas, messaging, and audiences at relatively low cost. I recommend doing as much market testing of your concept as you can, even before your build your first prototype. You can do this by creating multiple landing pages (websites) and then testing different marketing messages on Facebook and/or with Google’s Adwords. This way you can get a sense for which messages/concepts resonate.

If possible you can also use this pre-launch effort to build a network/community of potential buyers to help you get started. Of course, traditional competitive analysis is still important to understand who else is selling solutions in your category, at what price/performance, and with how much success. Finally, after launch, use the tools of e-commerce to build a relationship with your early customers, to gather their feedback, refine your product(s), and encourage them to make referrals and recommendations. The downside of the internet is that there are so many products and there is so much marketing noise, you have to develop clever proactive strategies if you want your product(s) to stand out!”

Known as the world’s first healthy desk lamp, Sunlight Inside’s myDesk lamp features an adjustable arm and clamp attachment and a bulb that lasts 20+ years, is brighter than a 60W bulb, and is 5x’s more efficient. They are also finished with aesthetically pleasing light oak wood, dark walnut wood, or black metal that you can match to your desk. myDesk lamps retail for $249.00.

The bottled sunshine™ desk lamps are light the way nature intended. Standing 8.75″ tall, they automatically follow the daily natural light cycles of your environment. You can select a gloss or matte finish for the shade and a base in either light oak wood, dark walnut wood, or metal (black or silver). Like the myDesk lamps, the bottled sunshine™ desk lamps’ bulbs also last 20+ years and are brighter and more efficient than a 60W bulb. These innovative and stylish desk lamps retail for $199.00.

Sunlight Inside’s revolutionary natural lighting solutions are changing the way that home-based entrepreneurs do their work each day. Definitely consider adding one into your own home office, as you will experience the positive benefits of natural lighting and notice an increase in productivity. These lamps also make great gifts for colleagues and clients! For more information and to see all of the Sunlight Inside products, visit their website.

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