A Review of GreenGeeks VPS Web Hosting

Web Hosting
Photo by Pixabay from Pexels

A Virtual Private Server hosting is space on a server specifically allocated to your site. It is different from shared hosting in that other sites do not share your space. It’s also distinct, because unlike dedicated hosting, the servers are virtual. It’s common to choose a VPS web hosting if you’re looking to upgrade from shared hosting.

VPS hosting also offers features that you would get from a dedicated server, with less responsibility regarding maintenance and cost. The biggest factor in investing in VPS web hosting is deciding whether the hosting provider will match the standards that you’re looking for to effectively run your website. In this article, we’ll take a look at GreenGeeks’ VPS hosting packages.


Performance speed can be a deciding factor in deciding which VPS web hosting provider is best for your website. For one, people will likely leave the website if the page is slow to load. If the website does not respond nearly instantaneously, it will reflect badly on the company’s image. Consumers expect fast results because that is the norm. Luckily, GreenGeeks hosting load time has proved faster than the industry average.

By choosing a VPS over a shared hosting plan, you will mitigate headaches from sharing space with other sites. For example, it’s sensible to upgrade to VPS hosting if your website is receiving more traffic. It’s also prudent if you anticipate that the company will store a large quantity of data. If you have e-commerce on your website, a VPS hosting plan is preferable over shared hosting. Otherwise, if load times are slow, customers may lose interest in carrying out a purchase.


VPS hosting is inexpensive compared to dedicated hosting but still quite the jump from shared. In terms of performance, however, VPS performs similarly to dedicated hosting. That’s because you’re not dealing with the variables involved with sharing a space with other websites.

GreenGeeks offers month-to-month VPS hosting plans. However, you’ll pay more per month, unless you choose an annual contract. GreenGeeks states that there is a 30-day money-back guarantee. However, it’s not necessarily the same as a trial period because there are fees attached. For example, you will not be refunded for what you spent on setup. You also will not receive a refund for registering a domain, even though GreenGeeks says domains are free. Rather, the domain is free until cancellation.


The nature of a VPS hosting is that space on the server is designated to your site. If you choose to use shared hosting instead, you risk being affected by problems that other sites cause. Shared hosting may also make you more at risk for hacks.

GreenGeeks has real-time security monitoring, and it performs nightly backups. Moreover, GreenGeeks is PCI compliant. This is pertinent if you have e-commerce on your site. If your site is not secure, your clients can lose data or money. In this case, you will need to appease your customers and resolve the dispute. Otherwise, they may leave negative reviews online. Consequently, you’ll lose business. That’s why it’s important to choose a hosting provider that has several ways to prevent security problems.

Energy Efficiency

GreenGeeks distinguishes itself from other hosting providers with its energy initiatives. The company buys wind credits. Therefore, GreenGeeks invests in renewable energy. Moreover, the EPA has partnered with GreenGeeks. If you’re looking to use an eco-friendly VPS hosting, this provider may prove viable.

Customer Support

It’s important that your web hosting provider has competent customer support. This is especially important with VPS hosting because you depend on the provider to solve problems with the hardware. If you do not receive a prompt response from customer support, your business will likely suffer. You will generally need a bit more technical knowledge than you would need to use shared hosting. That’s another reason why it’s important to associate with a web provider that quickly and competently responds to clients.

The majority of GreenGeeks’ customer support is 24/7. However, you’ll only be able to contact a team member over the phone during normal business hours. You can use the chat on the GreenGeeks site anytime and expect a response. In addition to customer support, GreenGeeks has a knowledge base on its website. Therefore, you can look up answers to questions before contacting a technician.

Finally, GreenGeeks’ customer support is well-organized. IT representatives with general knowledge are the first to respond to any queries. Then, a representative will send a problem to a technician at the next level, who has more expertise, if he or she is unable to resolve it. That system may prove effective, but it can also mean you will spend more time explaining a problem to a new representative. On the other hand, it’s helpful to have a system with several people who can help with troubleshooting at any time.

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