Reaching New Heights with the Cloud

Just because you’re a small business doesn’t mean you can’t dream big. Thanks to the latest innovations in tech, any business can reach global markets with ease. From your home office, you can recruit, manage and sell to anyone on Earth with the right tools. While many larger businesses dominate the market on a global scale, it is possible to get an edge on bigger businesses thanks to cloud computing.


The Game Changer

In the past, new businesses had to invest massive amounts of capital in order to compete on a global scale. Technology infrastructure, market research and regional offices all amount to a huge investment for small businesses, restricting their operations to local areas. That doesn’t even take into account the cost of repairs and maintenance of so many remote assets. These days, however, technology can solve many of these issues for a fraction of the cost.

Today, over 80% of UK businesses use cloud-based services, with smaller businesses being more likely to adopt a full cloud computing IT strategy. This is because cloud computing provides a number of benefits to businesses with limited resources and budgets.

Many small businesses already use some cloud services, such as email, organisation tools or CRMs without realising that they’re accessing the cloud. By optimising business operations around the cloud, businesses will see expansion of their reach, more sales and increased worker productivity.

Benefits of the Cloud for Small Businesses Looking to Grow

By granting access to data and services securely anywhere, at any time and on a range of devices, cloud-based apps give small businesses the mobility and flexibility they need to operate in global markets.

Using tools like Office 365, small businesses can access email securely and safely through Microsoft’s Exchange Server. They can also access web versions of office applications like word processors and spreadsheets to keep working while on the move. Cloud storage lets small companies access large files through the cloud.

The cloud allows small businesses to reach beyond their own local area to employ the best skilled people in the world, rather than the best ones in the area they have to settle for. Chat apps, cloud-based project management systems and collaboration tools enable a small business to employ a global workforce without the need for property all over the world. With business representatives in a variety of markets, businesses can be more responsive and effective in their local operations and client management using solutions like mobile workforce management software.

Having access to cloud-hosted applications saves on the material cost of hardware. By saving data to a secure cloud, businesses can save on the cost of server maintenance and physical space required to house them. And when it comes time to grow the business, cloud-based services can scale up to accommodate expansion.

These are just some of the many benefits small businesses can enjoy by using the cloud and the overall savings on IT infrastructure can be invested in growth strategies instead. Cloud-based technology both enables small business growth through efficiency and cost saving, and supports growth by being accessible and scalable.

Demystifying the Cloud

The cloud offers so many opportunities for businesses that the sheer potential can be mind boggling. To get the most out of the cloud, you need a clear idea of what your goals are and what you need to achieve those goals.

To get the most out of using cloud technology to enable global expansion, third party cloud service providers are a valuable outsourcing tool. They are able to demystify the myriad applications of the cloud into practical, relatable examples that fit into a specific business strategy.

The cloud offers a faster, more cost effective collection of services that allows businesses to complete on the world stage. With a small investment in technology and a clear plan, even the smallest business can take on the market leaders.

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