Less Hierarchy, More Teamwork


Digital transformation is changing the working world like never before. For businesses, there’s no way around adjusting their business models, processes and business culture to the digital changes in the market. Prof. Dr. Riemke-Gurzi – Director of the Global Institute for Digital Transformation (gidt) – reveals what’s changing and why we should be careful of digital charlatans.

Digital transformation is seen as the greatest driver of growth in the IT channel. Should we really expect such a strong flood of demand on the part of the companies?

The subject of digital transformation has in the meantime arrived at corporations. Beyond that, I currently meet a lot of consultants who are already active in this subject area. I’m surprised by their number. If I look at Twitter – perceived absolutely subjectively – the social media marketing experts are starting to disappear and the digital transformation coaches are magically appearing out of thin air.

I see the danger that IT industries once more reduce a relevant subject to a simple buzzword because suddenly, everything is digital transformation. From the side of the software developers, the wave is still to arrive in my estimation. Currently, the subjects of Industry 4.0 and social intranet are providing greater potential.

To what extent does the digital change require a change in the business culture?

To view it from the perspective of the markets: A lot has changed in recent years – in almost every sector. Suddenly, the subject of networking is on the agenda and user-centered design plays a role. Rapider product lifecycles, innovation, right up to disruption, of the business models by small, flexible corporations. All of this is fueled by digital technologies; that’s obvious.

An altered thinking is also behind this. A desk worker is hardly likely to change the world of mobility. Much more likely is someone who sees it as a personal challenge to face new challenges daily with colleagues in the team. At the core, I see the digital change primarily as a cultural change in the social, personal and entrepreneurial area. There’s a clear trend in businesses: Less hierarchy, more teamwork.

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Prof. Dr. Thorsten Riemke-Gurzki

prof-riemke-gidt (1)Prof. Dr. Thorsten Riemke-Gurzi has devoted himself for over 20 years to the subjects of web and intranet and belongs to the leading experts in the area of intranet in the German-speaking world. He is the leader of the Global Institute for Digital Transformation (gidt) at the Stuttgart Media University. Furthermore, he publishes, among others, the yearly appearing study “Intranet Themen und Trends” (Intranet Themes and Trends).

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