Why Is iMind One of the Best Platforms for Video Meetings in 2022?

Business Person in Video Call

People prefer choosing the platforms which are convenient to their requirements concerning the comfort of work. However, these requirements should also correlate with the relevant needs of a team or organization. Finding a tool that would comply with all these criteria can become a problem. Fortunately, we have a chance to use the iMind video meetings software ― the most convenient solution in 2022.

Why Pay Attention to iMind?

Talking about iMind, it’s necessary to mention that this video conferencing platform has several peculiarities, distinguishing it from all the other similar tools. One of the main items is simplicity. For example, it does not take much time or effort to handle work in the tool. This is provided by several factors:

  • understandable interface;
  • easy room creation and conference joining; and
  • minimalistic design.

Except for these characteristics, many other helpful features are making iMind.com different.

Core Features of the Platform

The tool is ready to offer ample room for your comfortable remote communication. It includes the set of characteristics that go as core functions. Moreover, it includes some changeable features that depend on the subscription plan.

Core features include:

  • the ability to join the call using a link with the room name (respectively, to create a room, you have to write it in your account);
  • top quality of the video and sound, where you can manipulate the sound settings so that communication is the most comfortable possible (volume-setting for the attendees, elimination of background noise, etc.);
  • opportunities for information exchange (screen sharing concurrently with the other participants, recording the calls);
  • availability for browsers and smartphones to use through;
  • monitoring of connection quality with the statistics display; and
  • free usage that is not limited in time and provides most features a professional could need during his occupation.

These points are things that cannot be changed by any plan or circumstance.

Start Working in iMind

To start your work with iMind, you need to:

  1. Visit com.
  2. Pass by the link that the Login button contains.
  3. Choose a comfortable way to enter the platform.
  4. Decide which plan suits you the best and select a relevant option.
  5. To talk to your workmates, you need to create your first room for conferencing. Click the corresponding button.
  6. Come up with the name of your room, and click Create.
  7. Copy the link and share.

Using the tool for no charge, you can create no more than 10 rooms and invite up to a hundred colleagues. The time for one conference is limited to 24 hours without interruptions, so you have a great time holding online discussions. More advanced features like chat for business become available only after buying a subscription.

Final Comments

The more people care about how their remote communication will look like, the more accurately they look for a good video conferencing platform that would allow for the maximum opportunities requiring the minimum resources. The iMind tool is a solution that combines these qualities. Moreover, it represents the golden mean of features characteristic of platforms for online meetings.

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