4 Insanely Useful Yet Affordable Online Tools for Home Business Owners


When you’re on the internet, you don’t always get monkeys when you pay peanuts.

You’ll be amazed at how there are tools online that are crazy affordable yet can still manage to provide massive value to its users.

Let me guess: You’ve been searching for affordable and useful online tools as well, haven’t you?

I don’t blame you.

Considering how powerful the online tools can be when it comes to growing someone’s career or business, it pays to have the right online tools working for you.

Friends, if you’re looking to improve your productivity and optimize the way you operate online, then you’re in for a treat. We’re going to talk about four ridiculously useful, yet highly affordable tools that home business owners can use to succeed on the Internet.

1. Wisestamp.com



  • $6 per month ($72 billed annually)

In the sea of spam and craptastic emails that your prospective clients are probably getting every-single-day, you need to find a way to stand out. You need to find a way to convey to them that you’re a real person — first and foremost — and that you are a true-blue professional that’s worth their time.

It’s only when you’ve accomplished these when you’ll have the chance to close them as your customers and bring home the bacon.

How do you do that, you might ask?

Well, creating an epic-looking email signature is certainly a great start!

Here’s the thing, most spammers don’t bother using a beautifully created email signature. They just end their email messages with the lifeless, “Yours truly,” signature since they’re too lazy to create a professional-looking signature.

That’s the part that you can exploit.

By using an amazing email signature, your prospective clients will know that you are different from the rest and that you’re a real person.

Of course, Wisestamp is the perfect tool to help you with creating mind-blowing email signatures.

Check out how their web editor looks after you click the green, “Claim your FREE email signature” button on their homepage.


Don’t you think the design of their default email signature looks 10x more professional than most email signatures?

If you’re wondering how stunning their email signatures can look like if it were fully customized, then feast your eyes on one of the featured samples.


Source: Wisestamp.com

These are some of the benefits that you can enjoy as a professional when using WiseStamp:

  1. You’ll get more replies to your email messages.
  2. You can showcase your portfolio.
  3. You can feature your welcome video on your email signature so you can show them that you are legitimate — and maybe strategically pitch your services while you’re at it.
  4. You can increase your social network reach.

These benefits alone will give you an unfair advantage over your competitors. When you consider the fact that using the tool’s paid version is only going to cost you $6 per month (billed annually), then you’ll know that you’re getting the biggest bang out of your buck.

2. Wiseintro.co



  • $7 per month ($84 billed annually)

Others would argue that you don’t need a website to succeed online.

My take on it?

Why even bother thinking about it when it only takes you seconds to create your very own web page, and it only costs you $7 per month ($84 billed annually) to get one?

It just doesn’t make sense.

Whether you believe in the value of having your own web page or not (I’m all for having a personal webpage, btw), why don’t you just create your very own webpage to make sure that you’re covered on all sides?

Besides, it’s only going to take you seconds to create one, and it’s shockingly affordable too!

Now you’re probably thinking that I’m exaggerating when I said the whole, “it’s-only-going-to-take-you-seconds-to-build-a-webpage” bit, don’t you?

Well, allow me to share with you how WiseIntro works so you can see for yourself how fast and easy it is for you to create your very own webpage.

Here’s the platform’s web editor.


WiseIntro’s users appreciate how they no longer need to flip from one page to another when using the platform.

As they customize their webpage’s design, the changes reflect in real-time on their webpage’s preview.


The platform also allows you to add truckloads of elements on your webpage to increase its functionality.

These are some of the elements that you can add.




This is how their web pages can look when fully customized.


Source: Wiseintro.co/jonbaxter

Doesn’t this web page look stunning?

Friends, if you have a fantabulous-looking web page representing you online, you can bet your family jewels that your prospective clients will never take you for a spammer or a fake person. On the contrary, they’ll take you seriously and will even consider doing business with you — all because you look legit.

That’s how powerful having a web page is for your personal brand.

3. Trello.com



  • Free
  • Business Class – $9.99 per user/month (paid annually)
  • Enterprise – Custom pricing

Trello is an amazing project management tool that home business owners can use to collaborate with their clients. Not only that, but it also puts order on how they will go about managing their tasks online.

If you’ve been using the Internet to earn a living for quite some time, then you’d have realized by now that operating within the online space can be very distracting. Not only are opportunities popping up like mushrooms left and right, but you’ll have people reaching out to you either via email, social media, or other messaging apps almost every hour.

To make sure that you stay on track and you end up finishing the tasks that will help move the needle, you can start using Trello.

Here’s how the platform looks from the inside.


The way you use the platform is; you create a card for each of your tasks, and you will then add all your cards on your list of to-dos. Once you’ve started working on a task and the status of each task is progressing, you can drag and drop the cards from your list of to-dos to the appropriate lists.


The “Cards” also have several functionalities to them that would help you add more description on your tasks, add people who will collaborate with you, add deadlines, or color codes, etc.

Here’s how a Card looks like from the inside.


Just by picturing out how the platform works, I’m sure you can see how crucial this tool can be for you. Whether you’re trying to win new clients, run marketing campaigns, or set up your list of personal to-dos, Trello can be perfect for the job.

4. Google Apps



  • G Suite Basic – $5 per user per month
  • G Suite Business – $10 per user per month

There are boatloads of things you can do with the suite of tools within Google Apps.

Just so you’ll have an idea of the kind of tools that Google Apps possesses, allow me to list down some of my favorites.

  • Gmail — An email platform.
  • Sheets — Allows you to create spreadsheets.
  • Docs — Is a word processing tool. It allows you to create documents.
  • Drive — Perfect for storage and accessing your tools online.
  • Calendar — You can create events and alerts on your calendars (among other things).
  • Forms — You can create forms to gather info about your target audience or generate leads.
  • Hangouts — Is a platform you use to start webinars.

These tools are some of the most commonly used by home business owners within Google apps’ list of tools. You can use them for as long as you have access to the internet (they are cloud-based), and you can even bring some of them offline.

The tools serve different purposes, but for the most part, they fall into these categories.

  • Communication
  • Storage
  • Collaboration
  • Management

What’s next?

What are some of your favorite online tools that are crazy affordable? Please share them in the comments section below. Cheers!

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