Remote and Relaxed: Making the Most of Your Home Office

Person Working
Photo by Karolina Grabowska from Pexels

As of 2022, the possibility of your work going remote is higher than ever. Corporations down to the smallest of businesses are reconsidering the Monday through Friday, 9 to 5 workforce mentality in favor of a more relaxed operation. And for many who have already transitioned to work from home, it’s a welcome change.

But it’s also easy to overwork, burn out, or lose steam with remote work. Whether you’re hitting the punch card from home one day a week or five, it’s essential to know how to keep yourself focused and productive even when working in your PJs. Here are four essential tips for making work-from-home a low-stress, streamlined experience.

1. Invest in Reliable Tech

No matter where you live, the chances of experiencing a power outage are rising. We recommend investing in portable power stations to take that inevitability out of the equation.

Beyond avoiding a short circuit before your next big presentation, these lifesavers are more energy-efficient and save you money in the long run.

Plus, if you have a partner or housemate who’s also working remotely, there might be times when you need additional space. Kick back on your patio or at your favorite park, and forget the extension cord.

2. Utilize “Do Not Disturb” 

We’ve all seen it happen: a colleague is giving a presentation when their housemate barges in without notice. In 2020, it was funny. In 2022, it’s tedious.

Putting a “Do Not Disturb” sign on your door and your smartphone is a small step that can make a huge difference. The beauty of the office is that it’s easy to compartmentalize your job away from your home life. With remote work, however, getting into your flow without constant distractions can be challenging. That’s why letting people know when work is in session is crucial.

3. Set Productivity Timers 

If you’re gridlocked in meetings for every hour of your workday, keeping a sense of time when you’re putting the pedal to the metal is essential. We recommend a productivity timer to keep your head in the game and remind you to take breaks.

Without the flow of an office, it can be easy to forget to take a breath or stop for lunch. Plus, studies show that concentrated periods of work followed by consistent breaks can significantly increase productivity.

4. Schedule Your Hours (and Stick to Them)

Equally important as a timer for tasks is knowing the hours your work begins and ends. Creating rituals to start and stop your day can help motivate you to dive into work feeling energized and give awareness to when it’s time to power down the laptop.

Start the day with a cup of coffee; finish it with a relaxing breathing exercise. Work-life balance can be a struggle, but it’s essential to avoid burnout in a remote work environment.

Stay Relaxed and Productive in the Home Office

Working from home can be a profoundly liberating and enriching experience. It can also be a remarkably frustrating one. However, with a bit of preparation for its unique challenges, it can give you more free time. Use it to pursue other hobbies, stay connected with what you love, and live a richer, more fulfilling life. And who doesn’t want that?

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