Celebrities’ Tips On Turning Your Home into a Productive Office

Hey, even famous people work from home too. In fact, working from a stylish home office seems to be en vogue, with a whole crop of celebrities and notable names investing in personal spaces from which they work.

Can these famous faces and their home office preferences teach us a thing or two? We at Pottery Barn believe so, which is why we’ve assembled our new infographic all around the home offices of the stars. Let’s go!

  1. Focus on productivity

Ellen De Generes is certainly productive. As well as a successful and phenomenally popular talk-show host, Ellen’s also a comedian, actor, writer and producer. Wow. How does she fit it all in? Well, we think her stylish home office might have something to do with it.

Her home office is designed to fuel productivity – in comfort. The statement centrepiece – a big, bold home office desk – sits at the heart of the space, with everything feeding off from it. But as well as investing in some attractive, comfortable furniture, practise good posture too. As a rule of thumb, make sure that when you sit at your desk, your feet touch the floor. Nice and snug. And ensure you’re sat between 24 and 36 inches from your monitor, with the top of the screen right at your eyeline.

  1. Make your space sleep-friendly

Time you got some sleep? If you’re feeling tired, don’t ignore it. Get some rest, even if it’s only for 5 minutes. You’ll feel a whole lot better. Arianna Huffington, the businesswoman and former editor-in-chief of the Huffington Post, knows a thing or two about sleep. As a well-known sleep advocate, she regularly espouses the benefits of a good nap. Did you know just a 40-minute sleep can increase your alertness by as much as 34%?

If your home office is miles away from your bedroom, consider making your home workspace sleep-friendly. You could do this by installing a fold-out sofa and buying some bedding – perfect for a quick afternoon nap. If you find you often need some deep slumber, however, consider actually buying a bed for your home office, if budget allows.

  1. Create a creative space

Sci-fi and fantasy author Neil Gaiman looks like one of those outdoorsy types, doesn’t he? Well, he is, and his home office is a beautiful outdoor cabin set in woodland close to this property. Gaiman finds the space conducive to creativity. Now, that doesn’t mean you have to do the same. But if you think your working day lacks that little spark of creativity, take heed from Gaiman and think that little bit differently. Why not make your home office a creative one – whether that’s inspirational quotes on the walls or regularly popping out for a short walk, making your space conducive to new ways of thinking should bolster and improve the work you do.

Some days it can hard to be creative, too. It’s not like you can turn it on and off, like a tap. For the down days, create a contract with yourself and stick to it.

A graduate of Stanford University with three degrees to his name, Courtney Lake got his start in the high-tech world. He quickly left this industry to pursue his true passion of design.  He is a well-respected interior decorator, writer and serves as social media editor for Pottery Barn.

Follow these simple tips to turn your home office into the most productive and inspiring there is! And if you have any tips for making the most of your private working space, be sure to share them with us.


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