How to Pick the Best Business Software: What’s a Hit and What’s a Miss

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In today’s world, many business owners are realizing that the use of excellent software can help their companies function more effectively. If you’ve recently drawn this conclusion, you should learn more about how to select the best software for your company. Use the information and instructions outlined below to help you decide what’s a hit and what’s a miss:

Determining Which Software Products You Need

Your first step to selecting the right business software is figuring out which type your business is in need of. Below you’ll find some of the more common types:

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) Software

As noted by Salesforce, customer relationship management technology is used to manage a company’s interactions and relationships with prospects and customers. Specifically, CRM software is utilized to improve business relationships by providing the marketing team with several features, tools, and resources that help them optimize communication with consumers. Some of the benefits that result from using CRM software include the ability to identify and categorize leads, increase referrals from existing clients, and the ability to offer better customer support.

As noted in PC Mag, CRM software must be easy to use in order to make it the right fit for your company. With this idea in mind, you should consider things like how many clicks must be made to complete a certain task and how difficult or easy it will be to find specific features when you’re ready to complete a certain assignment. For example, if a staff member inputs incorrect data, the best software will quickly detect the error and provide suggestions regarding how to put the information in correctly.

Accounting Software

Accounting software is a form of software that gathers all of the client’s applications and systems under the same roof. These systems and applications are used for the purpose of processing and managing the company’s financial data. Some of the specific accounting tasks that the software can be used to expedite and optimize include:

  • billing and invoicing
  • forecasting and budgeting
  • management of fixed assets
  • payroll management
  • project accounting
  • fund accounting
  • inventory management

As noted in Finances Online, one of the factors you should consider when deciding which accounting software to purchase is whether the product comes with an integrated invoicing module. Purchasing a product with this feature ensures that you won’t have to buy additional software or migrate information from another system. The accounting software should also come with customization features given that there is no one-size-fits-all accounting system out there. Because there is likely no system that matches your business model perfectly, you’ll need to locate a flexible program that can be adjusted to suit your company’s operations. Some of the other features you should look for in your accounting software include:

  • usability
  • security
  • connectivity
  • mobile usage capabilities

Business Plan Software

Another type of software that could prove appropriate and advantageous for your company is business plan software. As noted in “The Best Business Plan Software”, research indicates that of the 543,000 businesses that start each month, only one third will still be operative after five years. One of the key factors that determines a business’s survival and success is the owner’s ability to develop a business plan that outlines the company’s objectives as well as the steps that need to be taken to reach them.

Luckily, planning software can expedite and optimize the company leader’s ability to create and systematically update the company’s objectives. One factor that business owners should consider when selecting the ideal software is what type of document-creation tools the product comes with. The ideal software will include applications that come with image import, print preview, and spellcheck capabilities. According to Top Ten Reviews, the best business plan writers are BizPlanBuilder, Business Plan Pro, and LivePlan.

Checking The Product Supplier’s Reputation

In addition to considering the aforementioned information when selecting your software, make sure that you take the time to check the product supplier’s reputation. Taking this step will ensure that you’re purchasing your business software from a reputable retailer who is known for providing clients with top-notch, customized products that empower them to run their companies more effectively. You can use an internet-based resource like online reviews to attain a clearer understanding of what consumers think about specific software products.


If it’s time for you to begin purchasing business software for your business, you should first gain basic information regarding what to look for in the products you need. Refer to the data found in this quick reference guide to ensure that you can find the perfect product!

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