7 Chrome Plugins for Digital Nomads

Woman Working on Laptop Outdoors
Photo by DoDo PHANTHAMALY from Pexels

Digital nomads are remote workers who travel from place to place. They take their work on the road with them and benefit from complete autonomy in their professional lives. While there are many benefits to becoming a digital nomad, working on the road presents a unique set of challenges. Whether you’re a freelancer working with clients or an entrepreneur managing your own small team of home-based employees, you can improve your browsing experience and streamline your tasks as a digital nomad. Here are seven Chrome plugins that allow you to do it:


RescueTime is a tool that allows you to take greater control over how you spend your time. This tool analyses how much time you spend on documents, applications, and websites. The overarching goal is to provide you with a holistic view of how you spend your time. Once you understand more about your habits, you can improve your efficiency over time. This could also help you determine what type of payment to seek from different clients.

Vidyard Video Screen Recorder

There are many instances where you might need to record your screen, particularly when it comes to teachable moments. For example, you might want to quickly demonstrate to a client how an analytics dashboard works; with this screen recorder Chrome extension, you can quickly record your screen, trim it to your liking, and attach it to an email or project management application. Whether you’re using it for team updates, sharing employee announcements, or onboarding, there are many ways to use this tool to your advantage.

Toggl Button

Toggl is a productivity and time tracker. This is similar to RescueTime (mentioned above), but has more comprehensive features. This time management tool is great for solo users because it helps them better analyze their productivity across certain tasks. It fits seamlessly into your workflow by allowing you to start your time tracking tool directly from your integrated platform of choice, whether it’s your Gmail account, project management platform like Asana, or customer service portal like ZenDesk.

Evernote Web Clipper

Evernote Web Clipper is a simple browser extension that allows you to pull simple elements from a page and save them. Whether it’s a specific piece of text, image, or full-page article, you make highlights and save content for later reading with just a few clicks. Over time, you can build up an inventory of relevant content, and you can even assign them to specific Evernote notebooks. This is a great tool if you’re a digital nomad whose work involves plenty of research and annotation.


As a digital nomad, distractions are your nemesis. You’re likely traveling from place to place, and as the old adage goes, with great freedom comes great responsibility. Just because you have the ability to work from a beach in Bali doesn’t mean you won’t be distracted by swim breaks. StayFocused is a Chrome extension that helps you, well, stay focused. It restricts the time you spend on distracting sites. You’ll be able to determine which sites are time wasters for you and give yourself an allotted amount of time.

Boomerang for Gmail

Boomerang for Gmail is a Chrome tool that allows you to take a higher level of control over when you send and receive emails. Schedule emails to be sent later and set follow up reminders. This tool also reminds you of which contacts you haven’t heard back from, which is a useful feature if you’re in sales, journalism, or another field that requires heavy pitching and outreach.


LastPass is a Chrome plugin that acts as a high-security password manager. According to a study from NordPass, the average person has between 70-80 online passwords. Some have upwards of 150 different passwords. These become difficult to manage. You could manage them locally on your computer, but what if something happens to your computer? Or what if you need to complete a task and aren’t around your computer? LastPass is a cloud-based password crypt keeper that safely stores each of your passwords. It can sync across browsers if you ever decide to switch, and not only does it store your passwords, but it can also suggest stronger password options to increase the safety of your accounts.

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