5 Reasons Why Ukraine Is a Top Software Development Outsourcing Destination

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Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat .com on Unsplash

In the last decade, Ukraine has been holding the top place in the IT outsourcing niche. Many famous companies have proven that Ukraine deserves the highest ranking compared to other outsourcing destinations. If you still have a thought of whether Ukraine should be your choice, then reading these reasons might convince you. You will get a clear image of why so many software development companies are being attracted to this country and its IT experts.

Why Should Companies Choose to Work with Ukraine-based Outsourcing Providers?

  • Price-quality ratio

If you do some research you will find out that pricing rates are quite lower compared to other countries in Europe and the United States. The prices per hour for software developers in developed countries are double or triple higher than the price Ukrainian workers are being paid. Contrary to the price, the level of quality Ukrainians provide is usually on the higher level. This ratio with lower price and higher quality can’t be found in another country, and it might be the most important reason why so many companies are outsourcing their services in this particular country.

  • Rich specialist pool

Ukrainian-based IT providers offer a deep level of expertise in various fields in software development. Many Ukrainian companies are developing complex projects that are based on Artificial Intelligence, are specialized in blockchain, and create advanced projects with IoT. When looking for a mixed development team, then you can definitely combine them all here, from specialists to testers, and developers. You should absolutely look among Ukraine software providers if you plan on implementing the latest trends in the modern IT market.

  • Ability to work with well organized teams

Many outsourcing companies that require minimal involvement can be found in this country, which can independently optimize the work process and use the technology stack. This comes as a very great opportunity and many outsourcing software providers in Ukraine are putting foreign customers in the first place. That’s why so many Ukrainian software development companies are already accustomed to interacting with customers from abroad, which is another benefit that allows easy communication flow even though they are miles away.

  • High qualifications of local IT specialists

Universities that provide IT knowledge in Ukraine are highly ranked along with the best universities in the world. This allows many quality post-graduates to find a job easily in the software industry. No wonder why so many local IT specialists are recruited easily. Besides the primary knowledge they get in school, courses and training are provided when they start working at companies. The high level of knowledge and experience they gain working in many outsourcing companies across the world is what makes them the best candidates for the other outsourcing companies.

  • Reliability

Top software development Ukraine companies providing outsourcing services and mlops solutions conclude a Service Level Agreement with their clients. These agreements clearly regulate the project budget, requirements with the end product, and other aspects at the legislative level. Receiving a guarantee of quality and compliance with all the conditions is what you will get out of such agreements, at the very beginning of the cooperation.

Long-term agreements are another benefit that makes Ukrainian IT outsourcing companies stand out from their colleagues located in other countries. In Ukraine, many established software developers are uplifting their employees with no exception, which makes them enjoy many IT benefits, like constant growth in career, high-tech comfortable jobs, flexible working hours, and non-trivial tasks.

After all, you can notice that most of the companies in Ukraine tend to look for cooperation partners with foreign clients only. This means you won’t have to hire someone new or reassemble the team for every upgrade on the projects.

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