5 Essential Software Your Home Business Can’t Do Without

Businesswoman Working
Photo by Marcus Aurelius from Pexels

While running a business from home means fewer overheads, it usually also means that you must do everything on your own — as a small operation, it’s unlikely that you have departments that can manage your accounting, cybersecurity, web design, and communication needs.

Fortunately, modern technology allows you to perform several complex tasks yourself. Here are some essential pieces of software your home business can’t do without:

#1 Modern Accounting Software

Modern accounting software is impressive because it easily manages bookkeeping, invoicing, salaries, etc. You can also find an exhaustive suite that’s on the cloud, allowing you to conduct business even when traveling.

#2 Advanced Cybersecurity Software

According to the “Enduring from Home: COVID-19’s Impact on Business Security” report, there’s been a significant surge in security breaches this year as more people work from home. At the center of these breaches are a series of malware attacks from cybercriminals that can quickly devastate your business.

  • Spear phishing attacks are phishing expeditions designed explicitly for you. For example, a hacker may pretend to be your vendor or customer in an email or text message to trick you into handing over your sensitive information.
  • Ransomware attacks can bring your business to a standstill in seconds. Ransomware locks your computer or entire network until you pay a ransom to a cybercriminal. Unfortunately, there’s never a guarantee. Cybercriminals sometimes ask for even more money after the first ransom is paid.
  • Spyware attacks quietly log your sensitive data and send it to crooks, who use it to perform financial crimes.

It’s important to use the latest cybersecurity software to protect your computer from malware attacks and keep your critical data safe from hackers. Remember, just one cybersecurity breach can discourage your clients from using your products or services again.

#3 Network Security Software

A firewall is a security system that blocks unauthorized access to your computer through your network. You should enable it on your router and operating system to shield your network from cybercriminals. However, you should know that firewalls aren’t impenetrable.

For enhanced network defenses, subscribe to a top-of-the-line virtual private network (VPN) service from a reputable cybersecurity company that uses 256-bit AES encryption and the new WireGuard protocol. Experts suggest that the average cybercriminal needs several lifetimes to crack 256-bit AES encryption.

Having said that, never use a free VPN service because they’re often infected with malware and spy on users to generate revenue.

#4 Website Building Software

It’s easier than ever to build a robust, professional, and modern-looking website yourself with free website building software. The right website building platform should be user-friendly and offer many themes to help you achieve your goals. Some software even cater to home businesses and offer options such as marketing, payments, and more.

#5 Project Management Software

Good project management software can help you and your small team work together from remote locations efficiently. The right tools allow you and your staff to share files, communicate, manage deadlines, and collaborate on projects.

These are five essential software that can improve your home business’s cybersecurity, productivity, and market reach. Use them to run your operation efficiently and securely.

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