By Liz Claybourne, Biz Buy & Sell
Arthur Gottlieb of Fun News has enabled 100’s to start highly profitable franchise style magazines and newspapers with no franchise fees, which can often be $100K, by sharing his successful business model and expertise with them for their own local home-based businesses. YOU CAN START FOR FREE AND LITERALLY COLLECT DEPOSITS FROM CUSTOMERS THE NEXT DAY with the VIDEO TUTORIALS provided on his website http://www.funnewsfranchise.com.
Art’s Skype Share Screen training method prepares his students for success with UNLIMITED 1 on 1 personal training. He teaches you everything he knows, and insures your success by tweaking your ads for your customers your first few issues. He leaves nothing up to chance! TOTAL DEDICATION TO YOUR SUCCESS!
He teaches his students everything needed to succeed in the targeted direct mail business! His ALL INCLUSIVE PROGRAM even Includes the software and samples designed to do the selling for you! His pricing structure and superior design format = NO COMPETITION & GUARANTEED SALES!
Art say’s “with Skype Share Screen, I have not had a student who has not mastered the skill set almost immediately, and students will make a good ad their first session”. Art likes to say, “If you have an internet connection, I can teach you to succeed in this business quickly and effortlessly!” With the provided resources students succeed quickly, and today’s publishers average earnings are over $100,000.00. Many of Arts publishers have become wealthy according to Art.
Art has students worldwide producing various media’s such as coupon magazines, restaurant guides, tourist papers, real estate magazines, auto traders, pre-priced papers & many more varieties. And, many students publish many various medias without limitations or territorial restrictions as is usual with franchises.
http://www.funnewsfranchise.com website contains hours of videos, and all the details about how you can publish your own newspaper or magazine in your own community, from your home and establish a profitable business, while starting for free! You’re invited to call Art directly at his home office @ 954-534-9368.
If you call or email him, he will check your zip code and advise how many homes and businesses are present and if your zip code or a nearby one is suitable for this business model. This is another free service Art offers.
If you’ve been looking for a PROVEN established business, targeted direct mail should be a consideration as media franchises have been around for nearly 100 years and there are dozens of franchises in todays market selling for well over 100K. In this case you can DO-IT-YOURSELF without investing in the franchise. Visit the website for more…http://www.funnewsfranchise.com