Could a Virtual Kiosk Be Right for Your Business?


Innovative technology has already proven that it can help businesses in many different ways. Technological advances have revolutionized how organisations communicate with clients and suppliers and now more emphasis than ever before has been placed on enhancing the customer journey. A common concern for many firms, particularly SME’s, is how can I afford a receptionist? Technology has now stepped in and is able to provide the answer: virtual kiosks.

If your company has to deal with numerous customers coming in for various reasons then the old-fashioned sign in book can lead to frustrating queues and waiting times; not an ideal situation for either party involved. This is where a virtual kiosk could help make all the difference. These platforms are being rolled out in the guise of a virtual receptionist and visitors are prompted to use a touch screen in order to check in and more.

The kiosks are also able to provide visitors with real-time information by connecting them to a variety of databases and networks related to the business in question; allowing customers to swiftly search for contacts and other details and even communicate with particular employees in the building, something that a traditional receptionist would have to deal with on a daily basis.

So what other benefits do these virtual kiosks offer to businesses? There is of course the cost savings involved in not having to hire an actual employee for the role, reducing salary costs and freeing up funds to reinvest in other areas such as marketing and sales. These customisable kiosks can also be wrapped and styled where applicable in order to strengthen a company’s brand for visiting clients and customers and with its high-tech aesthetic styling it can even be a very modern, slick and appealing feature in your reception area.

Beyond the custom-user interface and welcome screens, there are endless possibilities as to what else this kiosks could accomplish. For example, virtual reception kiosks from Cammax, a UK-based kiosk supplier, offer both software and hardware solutions so it’s worth shopping around to find a product that suits the needs of your business. You may wish grant access to your company’s website, marketing partners or provide directions to local eateries or other places of interest; this is now very possible through the power of customization.

These virtual kiosks can offer your customers a very memorable experience and more importantly it can help cut queues and waiting times by offering a much simpler fast-track option for them on their visit.

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