Helping Your Business Grow with Kiosks and Interactive Solutions


Interactive kiosks are different for every type of business; different industry sectors will have different needs and therefore require different software or hardware features. Choosing the right one for your business can be difficult but it needn’t be such a tough choice – there are four key steps to choosing the right kiosk for your business that will help it grow:


If you aren’t fully up to speed with touchscreen technology, you might be under the impression that there is only one kind of kiosk. However, there is not ‘one size fits all’ solution when it comes to touchscreen solutions. Shapes and sizes of kiosks are seemingly never ending and choosing the right one for your business should be dictated by where it will be located. If you are very low on space, a compact unit such as a wall mounted kiosk would probably suit your needs; on the other hand, if the kiosk is set to be located outside then you will need hardware that can stand up to the elements.


Once you’ve decided which kiosk design is right for you, it’s time to look at the functionality of the unit. The software you choose will form the basis of how the kiosk will operate – if you opt for a very limited software package; your kiosk will be very limited too so it’s very important to source your machine from a leading manufacture. UK touch screen kiosk software suppliers Cammax offer a range of solutions to suit a plethora of needs from self-service to multilingual; always consider the functions the kiosk will undertake and consider how user friendly the software is when testing – these are the key factors you should always keep in mind.



Sometimes things do go wrong and you may need to contact technical support to resolve any issues. Should this be the case, you will need assurances that the support team are capable of not only restoring your kiosk to full function but also replacing it if need be – always ensure you read the warranties in details before purchase.


You may think this would come under hardware but, once again, you’d be mistaken. The design could encompass anything and everything from colour scheme to the fascia but you must ensure that the design reflects the brand image you want to promote. If your business logo and house style centre on the colour red, for example, it makes no sense to opt for a blue kiosk to represent your business; adopt the common- sense approach! Kiosks also need to stand out to capture the imagination of users so trial a few designs and work with your supplier to get what you truly want.

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