Podcast – Work Easier – Make Things Better in Your Biz Life

Frustration! We’ve all felt it at some time; particularly running a home-based business. Sometimes it feels like HARD is a habit. But it doesn’t have to be. Let’s face it: work and business are challenging. Have you ever wondered if you are on the right path? Moreover, what can you do to break out of old habits, and start seeing things in a new way? Chris Westfall shares a way that makes things easier.

Richard “Capt’n” Henderson interviews Chris Westfall (www.WestfallOnline.com), who wants to help YOU Discover your own easier pathways to greater freedom and TO clarity around your business identity. Chris Westfall is the author of a new book, EASIER, 60 Ways to Make Your Work Life Work for You. He’s here to talk about the book and a new way to approaching leadership, such as in your business.

Subjects discussed podcast include:

• Chris Westfall’s background as an author, business coach, speaker and consultant
* Why he wrote a book called “Easier”
• Can life really be easier…and, if so, how?
• How did Chris go about creating the story of the Client and the Coach?
* What if people are in a difficult work environment, or facing changes in their business, or disappointments…what are some ideas to make things easier?
• How do you pivot from “How do I get through this?” to “What can I get from this?”
• How to access innovation and empathy to find true personal freedom
* Are resilience and adaptability are available to anyone, anytime; regardless of their circumstances?
• What is one thing you can do tomorrow morning to take action on Chris’s “Easier” principles?

Episode Sponsor

City America * https://CityAmerica.com

Interview Guest

chris westfall
Coach, Author, Speaker and Consultant Chris Westfall











Your Host

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