Win Relationships and Earn Repeat Business

Sportswoman with arms up celebrating success

You may have all the awards and accolades and even know your product better than anyone in your industry. In today’s fast-paced and impersonal world, that’s not enough. Those who provide extraordinary service are the ones who are going to attract more customers, close more deals, and get ahead of their competitors. A dissatisfied customer can cost your business more than revenue — it can damage your reputation.

Here are six simple yet powerful business principles that will help you win relationships and earn repeat business:

  • Keep your word. Your credibility is dependent on your ability to keep your promises
  • Be honest. Be truthful in every aspect of your business.
  • Show up on time. Punctuality is a reflection of your overall organization.
  • Acknowledge mistakes. Everyone makes mistakes.
  • Handle conflicts gracefully. Disagreements and personality conflicts are part of doing business.
  • Don’t burn bridges. Today’s foe could be tomorrow’s ally.

Jacqueline Whitmore

Business etiquette expert

Author of Poised For Success: Mastering The Four Qualities That Distinguish Outstanding Professionals

Founder of The Protocol School of Palm Beach

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