The Importance of Innovation in Business


When it comes to business success, innovation is not just an optional extra. The implementation of fresh ideas is vital if a business is going to keep pace with an ever-changing market while continuously improving its efficiency and profitability.

Competition is increasing in all sectors thanks to the rapid development of new technology. Take real estate. At one time, if you were interested in Park City, Utah real estate, you’d have probably had to head to Park City, Utah in person and drive around looking for realtors. Now, all it takes is the click of a mouse and you can browse a range of suitable properties from the comfort of your armchair.

No business can afford to overlook the importance of innovation, and in this guide, we will explore some aspects of innovation that you should consider.

Innovation: the business case

The essence of innovation is the introduction of new elements to your business. This could involve many different elements such as:

  • Improving or removing outdated business processes
  • Developing new products and services
  • Improving existing products
  • Introducing new branding to stand out in the market

Whether the innovation is a single dramatic change or a series of small, evolutionary changes, innovation is the fuel that drives your business forward. It is also a creative process, and the ideas for innovation can come from a wide range of sources, including employees, other companies, customers or your own research.

By taking on board the potential for change, and introducing it in a way that is suited to your particular business needs, you can bring about a range of benefits for your business, including improved productivity and competitiveness, increased profitability and turnover, and reducing costs. The alternative for businesses that fail to innovate can be declining profits, dwindling productivity, and the loss of key staff to more successful rivals.

Approaches to innovation

Innovation shouldn’t happen in a vacuum. To help your business move forward, you should study the relevant marketplace and look for ways that innovation can help you to provide a better service or product for your customers. This can mean adapting your product to shifts in the marketplace. For example, the increasing awareness among consumers of the importance of healthy eating could lead to a

restaurant or food outlet altering their menu or range of food products to provide more healthy options.

Innovation can involve new technology, techniques or ways of working. Maybe your research shows that people have less time to go to a store to buy your product, so perhaps you could develop a more convenient way of getting your products to your customers – for instance, through an efficient online ordering and delivery service. Maybe your competitor is known for the cheapness of their products, so rather than trying to undercut them, perhaps you could launch a new brand strategy focused on offering a premium, higher-quality product.

Innovation comes in many forms, but the key thing to remember is that it must not be innovation for the sake of innovation. It should be focused on making a difference to your business in the marketplace in which it operates.

Encouraging innovation

If your business has employees or partners, then you have a readymade source of potential innovation. To maximize this human innovation resource, you should encourage a creative and innovative environment with processes such as regular brain-storming sessions or workshops where people can express their ideas.

Innovation requires creative thinking, and creativity cannot flourish in a hostile or judgmental environment. Encourage everyone who is involved with the business to take risks and experiment, and never penalize people for trying out new ideas that don’t work. Ideas that make a significant contribution towards the company’s productivity, profit or efficiency should always be rewarded. Above all, don’t fall into the trap of thinking that only managers, other entrepreneurs or consultants are able to innovate. The most important asset for any company is its employees, and they can be a great source of creativity and ideas, which can lead to innovations and ongoing success.


Invention is about new ideas, but innovation is the process of using those ideas to improve your business. In that sense, innovation should be a constant theme and an integral part of your business. You should always be on the lookout for ideas that could boost profit or improve efficiency. In a challenging, ever-changing economy, innovation is the fuel that can propel your business to success.

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