How to Generate Leads on LinkedIn

Photo by Alexander Shatov on Unsplash

LinkedIn is the most trusted social network in the USA, and 722 million people are using the platform. Ad exposure on LinkedIn can increase purchase intent by 33%. No wonder it is considered one of the top paid and organic social channels for B2B businesses. It is especially effective in generating leads and building a solid network. Today we are discussing how you can generate more leads on LinkedIn.

Let us define the lead first. A lead is any person who shows interest in your business (company’s service or product). Lead is a part of a broad lifecycle that transforms the person from a visitor to a customer.

Generating leads means attracting prospects, increasing their interest in your business, and using nurturing to turn them into customers. So, how should you use LinkedIn to generate new leads?

Create a Strong Presence of Your Executives on the Platform

Start with adding profiles of the employees — especially of your executives. It is better to have a representation of your business through a particular person. They represent the personal and professional brand. People should see who stays behind the company. It is important to show the people who are leading the business for different purposes — to attract employees who are the internal customers and your potential customers.

Build Connections with Current Customers

LinkedIn’s main purposes are to draw connections and to build a strong network. Use these as key features for lead generation. How do you do this? Connect with your current clients and look through their connections that might be relevant to you. You can do this manually by exploring profiles, sending invitations, and asking for referrals and references. However, this could be overwhelming. Plus, there is a limit on LinkedIn for specific types of activities (for example, you can only make 80–100 connections per day).

To overcome these challenges, we suggest using the LinkedHelper tool — a lead generation instrument for LinkedIn. Generally, it automates all of your activities and can send automatic invites and follow-ups to your 2-nd and 3-rd connections without any limitations.

Photo by Oleg Magni from Pexels

Join LinkedIn Relevant Groups

Find what groups your clients use. Those could be the groups about the topics relevant to the industry you are in. You can join these groups and engage with current and potential customers by encouraging discussion, posting relevant information, and showing your expertise. It is also a good way to make new connections. If some of your current customers are already in the group, then most likely your target audience is presented there as well.

Once again, you can use LinkedHelper to create automatic workflows to reach new connections. What is more, you can use the bulk messaging feature to interact with multiple participants in the group and enhance their involvements.

Step Out of the LinkedIn

Yes, you can use LinkedIn connections and contact them through email. For example, you can send them follow-ups, and that may lead to quicker responses. How do you make this possible? It may not be the best way to collect those emails manually. Luckily, we can turn to automated instruments like LinkedHelper that can parse emails into built-in CRM. You can even create different campaigns and build funnels. Easily set up the workflow of the funnel and generate leads, while saving time to accomplish other important tasks.

Overall, LinkedIn is a great tool to generate leads and attract new customers. Build connections and grow your networks easily through the platform. However, we highly recommend using automated tools to complete these tasks, as it will be quicker, more effective, and more convenient.

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