Why Your Business Needs a Mobile App

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adult american asian 1083622

Mobile internet use has risen astronomically over the past decade and you probably don’t even need us to tell you this if you own a mobile phone! People absolutely love the convenience, ease of use and quickness that they get from using their mobile and that is why it is now more important than ever to ensure that your business has a mobile app. Here, we are taking you through the top reasons why your business needs a mobile app and all of the amazing benefits that you will experience from it.

Stay Visible

There have been many studies carried out regarding the use of mobile apps and whether or not they are beneficial for businesses. One thing that most statistics can agree on is that no matter where you are in the world, people are increasingly spending more and more time on their mobile phones. For example, latest statistics show that America, the average person will spend around two hours of their day on a mobile device. Of course, depending on what type of business you have, you may not get the same attraction to your website as other apps such as social media applications. However, what you will get if you are a small to medium sized business is constant visibility. When scrolling through their phone, users will subconsciously be seeing your brand all the time and this is a great way to stay connected to your audience and add value to your brand.

Improve Your Customer Experience

One of the great things about having an app for your business is that you can massively increase your customers’ user experience. If your app can make it easier for people to buy your services or goods, this will then generate more traffic to your business and conversions! An app that provides a smart and rewarding user experience is sure to become extremely popular amongst its target audience.

Use It for Free Promotion

Once your mobile app is built, it can be used as an amazing promotional tool. After your initial investment, you can then essentially start promoting your business free of charge! What’s more, if you want to offset the initial costs, you can always take web development courses to help you understand the process of building an app. These types of courses are offered by Red Academy and are taught by experienced industry professionals who will prepare you to code websites plus build web and mobile applications!

Go Global

One of the biggest benefits of a mobile app is that you can take your small, local business global! If you think your business could sell its goods or products worldwide then a mobile app is the perfect way to expand your market without having to make any major investments. Mobile apps and the web have provided a platform that allows small businesses to become a global success overnight. For example, if you have a local shop that produces handcrafted goods, you can then have these products reach people all around the world through the mobile app.

Integrate All Your Business Channels

An app can quickly become synonymous with its digital identity and after it starts to gain traction and engagement from customers it can then become a hassle-free way to interact and buy from your business. An app can easily become the main business channel and it can work as the main hub for all your channels. This can provide your business with amazing branding, better business processes and a customer-centric marketing campaign. Furthermore, with a mobile app you will have total control over every channel internally.

Make More Sales with an App

For many small businesses, the initial investment in an app, whether this is time building it yourself or paying a professional, is deemed not to be worth it. This is also usually despite all research pointing towards apps creating growth in businesses and driving sales. However, if you are just looking to start off by creating a simple app, this does not have to cost you a fortune. You can have an app built on a very competitive budget that provides an easy-to-use interface and quick engagement.

Beat Out Your Competitors

Last, but certainly not least, is that for many small businesses you can gain a huge lead over your competitors by providing a mobile app. Whilst your app will be up and running and making lots of big sales, your competitors are most likely still going to be debating whether or not an app is a good idea for their business. Having an app gives you an instant edge over your competitors, giving you the competitive lead.

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