5 Great Tips to Improve Your Airbnb and Make It Really Stand Out

Cozy bedroom

The best way to think about improving your Airbnb is to put yourself in your visitors’ shoes: what would you like and expect when arriving at an Airbnb for the first time? Just like running a good hotel, going above and beyond is absolutely necessary if you want to have returning customers, as well as positive reviews and word-of-mouth after the stay.

So, if you think your Airbnb could use some improvements, then consider the following tips:

Welcoming items

As travelers will often be hungry, thirsty, and tired by the time they get to your Airbnb, it’s a great idea to provide snacks (some fruit, chocolate bar, and nuts) and include a cold bottle of beer or soft drink in the fridge. This is a winning move that will keep guests happy and instantly provide a great first impression.

Directions for the washing machine

If your guests want to do a quick wash, then ensure your washing machine has a guide printed out and stuck on a wall. As every washing machine is different from the last, some guests can get a bit confused over the dials and buttons and might end up ruining their own clothing. You could even place capsules nearby instead of laundry detergent, as these are much simpler for anyone unfamiliar with your washing machine!

Plenty of towels and other bathroom items

Place a good amount of towels that you think is reasonable for a 3–4 day trip to your Airbnb, and then double the amount! For whatever reason, guests always seem to go through so many towels, so include a lot of hand towels and shower towels. Make sure to also have plenty of things like toilet paper, tampons, tissues, and toothpaste on hand to ensure guests don’t have to go out and buy these items for a short stay.

Some maps and ideas for what to do during the stay

Guests always love it when a local provides some tips for where to eat, party, and go sightseeing during their trip. Write down some of your favorite restaurants and clubs, as well as some ideas that might not be in the typical guidebooks. Find some free maps of the city as well, and leave these for the guests.

Always be reachable

Finally, make sure you’re always contactable by phone or email, as you never know what kind of drama or emergency guests might need to talk to you about! It’s pretty infuriating for guests when calls or messages aren’t returned for hours and hours, if at all! You don’t need to sacrifice sleep or patiently wait by the phone just in case, but at least reply as quickly as possible to any question.

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