How to Know When It’s Time for Your Business to Move out of the Home

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Your business might still be “small”, but it is starting to outgrow your home office. For many this is seen as a good problem to have, while others look at the move to an outside office as something to dread — after all, you can’t work on that client presentation in your pajamas anymore.

But think about it; your home office is beginning to take over your home. Where it was once one laptop and a desk, you now have multiple computers, desks, printers, and maybe even a server.

Sure, working from home can be great, but there may come a point when you will want to take your home back. With that in mind, here are some tips on how to know when it’s time for your business to move out of the home. It doesn’t matter if you are looking for office space for rent in Manhattan or Topeka; these tips will help you to regain your sanity and your home.

Tip 1: Your Home Office Is Holding You Back

This is especially true if you are in a client-facing business as you might reach a point where a customer meeting on SKYPE or in your local coffee shop does not cut it anymore. If this is the case, then it is a good sign that you need to move your business out of the home.

In this way, you can upgrade your office space to something which is more professional than your back bedroom and this should result in more revenue. As such, concerns about increasing your expenses can be offset by the added revenue you can bring in.

Beyond this, your existing clients are more likely to look favorably upon your business as they will see that it is growing. The only thing to be mindful of is that you don’t want your rates to skyrocket. As such, you might want your first office to be modest, yet professional — nothing more and nothing less.

Tip 2: You Are Taking on Employees

Working from home is great when it is just you, and it can be bearable when you have one or two employees. However, it can be a real challenge when you are starting to employ an entire team.

This doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t hire people; instead, it is a sign that you might have outgrown your home office. Think about it this way. Your business is growing, you are taking on employees, and moving out of the house will give you back your privacy.

Tip 3: You Are Running Out of Space

This might seem like a no-brainer, but you would be surprised about how many people ignore one of the biggest warning signs that their home-based business has outgrown their home. If you find yourself in this predicament, the last thing to do is put a storage shed in your backyard. Instead, start the search for office space that will allow you to take your home business to the next level.

One last point about space; it is highly likely that your family is also trying to live in a home (or an apartment) which has become consumed by your business. As such, you might want to cut them some slack by starting to move your business out of the home. Doing so will not only give your loved ones the space they need to live, but it will probably reduce the stress level in your house.

Tip 4: There Are Too Many Distractions

Working from home is a dream, after all, you don’t need to commute, and you can basically set your own hours. However, some find that working from home is fraught with distractions from the kids, your pets, or even household chores.

As such, moving your business out of the home might give you the motivation needed to better organize your work schedule. Part of the reason is that there is a clear line between home and office, while another reason is that you will need to get to the office and this means you will need to have some semblance of a plan if you want to get anything done.

The bottom line: if you are finding it too hard to get any work done at home, then you might want to consider getting an office.

Tip 5: The Move Will Save You Money

At first glance, this might seem counterintuitive but paying for warehousing and third-party logistics (3PL) providers can be expensive. Sure, it made sense when you were just starting out as you could ramp up and down the space you needed. However, your business has grown and if it will save you money to move to an office instead of paying for a contract warehouse, then you might want to consider making that choice.

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