5 Signs You Should Move Your Business from Home to a Dedicated Workspace

Ken Tomita / Pexels

On the face of it, working from home can be a lot of fun. After all, you don’t have to spend extra time and money on commuting, and you can rearrange your schedule as necessary to accommodate, say, the school run or even the occasional swim at the local leisure centre.

However, novel though all of this can seem, you could start running into roadblocks before too long. Here are some of the biggest tell-tale signs that your business is outgrowing your home.

You’re meeting up with more and more clients

When your business is still small and limited to a select few trusted clients, they will probably be understanding about having to meet you at your home. However, as you take on more clients, you can’t be certain that all of them will think similarly. You might need a more professional setting.

In other words, you might need a “proper”, dedicated office, free of distractions like a barking dog or crying baby, which could hamper you even as you converse over the phone with a client.

You’re struggling to separate work from home

As many freelancers can attest as well, the home is riddled with distractions. Perhaps you’re often lured from a big project by something exciting on the TV, or the dishes keep beckoning you with cries of “clean us, even just one of us, honest”.

In situations like this, shifting to a workplace shorn of such distractions can help you to disconnect from home life and so focus or relax your mind as required.

Caio Resende / Pexels

You’re recruiting more and more employees

As your tally of employees grows, you could keep struggling to find enough room for them all in your humble home. Well, it’s not like your residence would have initially been built to house such a workforce. Besides, bringing them in risks conflict with co-inhabitants, Vistaprint notes.

If you’re still not convinced, consider the insurance implications. Many home insurance policies won’t extend to employee liability, Mashable warns.

You want to make your business more visible in the community

Sometimes, there’s just no substitute for a workplace that clients and customers — both actual and potential — can easily recognise on the street. Signage outside your business building can catch the eye, while dedicated premises can make your business look serious and well-established.

Dressing your premises to impress is not always easy, however. There might be specific local rules about what you are permitted to do. That’s why you should consider asking a workplace design firm for guidance. The London-based Maris provide luxury office design for a wide range of companies.

You just feel bored at home

It’s easy to feel excited as you see your business grow and continue to come up with fresh ideas. However, what if your company has seemingly hit a plateau in both respects? That’s where a dramatic change of scenery can help you and your team to freshen things up. Besides, a new space could make it easier for you to forge connections with other businesses.

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